
来源 :区域经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laoyang2009123456
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2017年9月22日是中国社会科学院荣誉学部委员、中国社会科学院工业经济研究所陈栋生研究员逝世一周年的日子。为了缅怀陈栋生教授,追思他的崇高品格和学术思想,中国区域经济学会于9月22日上午在北京国谊宾馆召开“陈栋生研究员逝世一周年追思会”。陈栋生教授作为“东中西三大地带”划分的首创者,为我国区域发展做出了重大贡献。他的一生,是为优化中国空间布局促进区域发展不懈求索的一生,是矢志不渝为国家经济社会事业发展服务的一生。他不仅为学界留下了学术交流的重要平台——中国区域经济学会,也为后人留下了用脚做学问的治学精神。为了学习陈栋生教授的学术思想,践行他的学术精神,推动区域经济理论创新,我们特刊发一组纪念文章,以表达对陈老师的缅怀与纪念。 September 22, 2017 is the first anniversary of the death of researcher Chen Dongsheng, member of the honorary section of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. To cherish the memory of Professor Chen Dongsheng and to trace his noble character and academic thoughts, the China Institute of Regional Economics held the “Memorandum of Understanding on the First Anniversary of the Death of Researcher Chen Dongsheng” on the morning of September 22 in Beijing Guiyi Hotel. As the pioneer of the division of “three major eastern, central and western regions,” Professor Chen Dung-sheng made a significant contribution to the development of our region. His whole life is the life-long pursuit of optimizing the layout of China’s space for the development of the region and is the life-long commitment to serving the country’s economic and social development. He not only left an important platform for academic exchange - the China Regional Economic Association, but also for the posterity left a learned spirit of learning. In order to study Professor Chen Donsheng’s academic thoughts, practice his academic spirit and promote the theoretical innovation of regional economy, we specially issue a series of commemorative essays to express his memory and commemoration of Professor Chen.
活动目标 1.能大胆尝试在各种攀爬器材上爬上爬下,提高手脚协调能力和平衡能力。 2.通过积极参加营救小动物的游戏,激发关爱动物的情感。 活动准备 Activities 1. To boldl
中华人民共和国建设部令 第81号 《实施工程建设强制性标准监督规定》已于2000年8月21日经第27次部常务会议通过,现予以发布,自发布之日起施行。 部长 二○○○年八月二十五日