Synthesis and microstructure of single-phase BiFeO_3 Powders by Sol-gel Method

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The single-phase BiFeO3 powders were prepared by sol-gel method with the starting materials of bismuth nitrate and ferric nitrate, and the effect of the calcined temperature on the phases of BiFeO3 samples was studied. The x-ray diffraction (XRD)showed that the single-phase BiFeO3 powders were obtained with a calcined temperature of 700 ℃. The scanning electron microscope(SEM)analysis indicated that the grain size was around 500 nm in single-phase BiFeO3 powders, and uniform particle size distribution. The FT-IR spectra showed that the BiFeO3 powders began to crystallize at 500℃. The single-phase BiFeO3 powders were prepared by sol-gel method with the starting materials of bismuth nitrate and ferric nitrate, and the effect of the calcined temperature on the phases of BiFeO3 samples was studied. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that the single-phase BiFeO3 powders were obtained with a calcined temperature of 700 ° C. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis showed that the grain size was around 500 nm in single-phase BiFeO3 powders, and uniform particle size distribution. The FT- IR spectra showed that the BiFeO3 powders began to crystallize at 500 ° C.
细节描写能力的缺失是制约中学生写作水平提高的一大瓶颈。如何使学生准确掌握细节描写的规律及方法,以提高写作水平,是中学语文写作教学不可或缺的必修课。本文结合经典文学作品和学生作文实例对细节描写的方法加以探讨,希望对作文教学有所帮助。  一、动作描写可细致分解  例:所有队员一起站在同一条起跑线上。刘翔那豹子般的眼神死盯着终点,用手拍打着自己的胸脯,又高高地扬起双手……预备—砰!刘翔像平原上疯狂的豹子
复旦大学经济系主任。博士生导师华民教授作为恢复高考制度后第一批大学生中的一员进入复旦大学经济系学习,毕业后在华东师范大学任教,1990年9月调入复旦大学世界经济系工作。 近年
2013年9月14日至9月16日,首届中国(武汉)期刊交易博览会在武汉国际博览中心举行,本刊作为山西期刊方阵之一员,参加了此次博览会。 From September 14 to September 16, 2013