中共八届全国律协第十七次党组会议在京召开 研究推进律师行风建设工作等

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2014年3月20日晚,第八届中华全国律师协会第17次党组会议在京召开,司法部党组成员、副部长,全国律协党组书记赵大程同志主持会议。会议听取了《全国律师行业行风监督委员会2014年工作方案》制定情况的汇报。赵大程指出,当前,律师行风建设任务繁重,做好全国律协律师行业行风监督委员会工作具有重要意义。要集中解决好少数律师在执业活动中与司法人员不正当交往问题。敢于出重拳,坚决刹住不正之风;以问题为导向,从关注处理个案到研究带有普遍性、规律性问题,形成律师和法官、检察官良性互动关系的工作规则。要注重总结提炼, On the evening of March 20, 2014, the 17th Party Group Meeting of the Eighth NCAC was held in Beijing. Comrade Zhao Dacheng, member of the Party Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice and secretary of the party group of the National Association for Lawyers, presided over the meeting. The meeting listened to the report on the formulation of 2014 Work Plan of the National Bar Association for Wind Industry Supervision. Zhao Dacheng pointed out that at present, lawyers are arduous and have a heavy task in building wind power. Therefore, it is of great significance to do a good job in the work of lawyers and industry wind supervision committees in the National Bar Association. It is necessary to focus on solving the problem of improper engagement with a few judicial personnel in the practice of a small number of lawyers. Dare to make heavy blows, and resolutely put an end to unhealthy tendencies. From a problem-oriented perspective, we should study cases that deal with the issues of universality and regularity from the focus on handling cases and form a working rule that provides a positive interaction between lawyers, judges and prosecutors. Should pay attention to summarize,
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