Facile preparation and magnetic study of amorphous Tm-Fe-Co-Ni-Mn multicomponent alloy nanofilm

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doer
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A facile and efficient synthesis route for the preparation of Tm-Fe-Co-Ni-Mn multicomponent alloy films was reported.Here the films with nanostructures were successfully synthesized by electrodeposition at room temperature.By changing the electrodeposition parameters,such as the deposition potential,deposition time,and the substrates,the styles of the nanostructures and surface morphologies of the deposits could be well controlled.The energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) indicated that the five elements were co-deposited.The result of XRD suggested that the film was amorphous.The as-deposited alloys showed soft magnetic and superparamagnetic behavior,and the magnetic particles were frozen step by step in the freezing process. A facile and efficient synthesis route for the preparation of Tm-Fe-Co-Ni-Mn multicomponent alloy films was reported. Here the films with nanostructures were successfully synthesized by electrodeposition at room temperature. By changing the electrodeposition parameters, such as the deposition potential , deposition time, and the substrates, the styles of the nanostructures and surface morphologies of the deposits could be well controlled. the energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) indicated that the five elements were co-deposited. The result of XRD suggested that the film was amorphous. The as-deposited alloys showed soft magnetic and superparamagnetic behavior, and the magnetic particles were frozen step by step in the freezing process.
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