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2007年3月28日上午10时,杭州市地铁一期工程正式破土动工!开工仪式在杭州九堡举行,仪式由时任杭州市市长孙忠焕主持,省委常委,杭州市市委书记王国平等领导出席并讲话。从现在开始直至2011年底的4年多时间,地铁1号线、地铁2号线和地铁4号线部分线路的建设,将成为杭州人实现20多年地铁梦想的幸福旅程。从那时起,西湖虽然美丽依旧,可杭州这座城市,却从此分“地上”和“地下”。房价会涨吗?以后到下沙要几分钟?高架还会堵得那么厉害吗?……杭州地铁建设,一时间引起了许多人的讨论。这个杭州市投资规模最大,建设周期最长,涉及面最广的城市基础设施工程的启动,对于每一个市民、每一个生活在杭州的外乡人,哪怕记者在施工现场看到的每一个普通外地建设者来说,都是意义非凡的。 On March 28, 2007 at 10 a.m., the first phase of Hangzhou Metro broke ground officially! The opening ceremony was held in Jiubao, Hangzhou. The ceremony was presided over by Sun Zhonghuan, the mayor of Hangzhou. Wang Guoping, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, led the ceremony. Attend and speak. From now until the end of 2011, more than four years time, the construction of some lines of Metro Line 1, Metro Line 2 and Metro Line 4 will become a happy journey for Hangzhou people to realize the dream of Metro for more than 20 years. Since then, although the beautiful West Lake still Hangzhou city, but from this “ground ” and “underground ”. House prices will rise? After a few minutes to Xiasha? Elevators will be blocked so powerful? ... Hangzhou subway construction, for some time aroused the discussion of many people. The largest investment in Hangzhou, the longest construction cycle, the most extensive coverage of urban infrastructure projects started for every citizen, every stranger living in Hangzhou, even if reporters at the construction site to see every ordinary field Builders, are of extraordinary significance.
人物档案袁忠宜:生于1 968年,1 986年参加工作,从事外线工作,曾任办公室主任、宜都大明电业公司总经理、宜都供电公司营销部主任、副总经济师、工会副主席等职,系中国音乐著
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