Dissolution of Ureteral Uric Acid Calculi with Local Litholytic Irrigation

来源 :华中科技大学学报(医学英德文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:calvin
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Summary: This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of local litholytic irrigation (LLI) in the treatment of ureteral uric acid calculi. Fourteen cases of ureteral uric acid calculi were diagnosed by abdominal plain radiography (KUB),retrograde urography,ultrasonography(B-mode ultrasound),spiral computerized tomography(CT) and blood biochemical examinations. A ureteral catheter was passed retrogradely across ureteral calculi by cystoscopy. LLI with tromethamine-E(THAM-E) was performed via the ureteral catheter after the improvement of renal function and general situation and the control of urinary tract infection under the condition of intravenous application of antibiotics. The irrigation rate varied from 1000 to 1500 ml per day. Retrograde pyelography demonstrated complete dissolution of all the stones,13 cases within 10 days and 1 within 12 days. Mild hematuria was observed in the majority of the cases and temporary aggravated lumbago in 1 case,with no other side effects. It is concluded that LLI is a practical and effective method in the treatment of ureteral uric acid calculi for its advantages of shorter duration,lower cost,less physical suffering and no severe complications.
受内分泌的影响,女生的身体和肌肤在生理期都变得十分敏感。最常见的就是脸上出现痘痘、肤质变差等肌肤问题。我们邀请了内地知名医学美容师斯勤老师,为大家介绍生理期面膜保养方法,解决生理期面部困扰问题。  近来全国气温都有大幅骤降,你想过裸露在外的肌肤吗?它也需要一层护肤品的保温。身体有厚厚的外套挡寒,但面部皮肤却露在外面。在冰冷的空气中,肌肤会出现泛红现象,起皮、发红、发痒,面部经络不通畅、脸色暗沉等都
Summary: To study whether the sympathetic nerves coordinate with the parasympathetic nerves during micturition in the rat. We used antegrade neural tracing with