
来源 :档案管理理论与实践-浙江省基层档案工作者论文集 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHANGLONGQI008
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核电工程项目建设周期长,技术含量高,参建单位多,竣工文件种类繁杂,在整个项目建设过程中,只有对竣工文件的质量进行过程控制,才能有效确保其完整、准确、系统、规范。本文结合AP1000核电站三门一期核岛工程项目竣工文件管理的经验,对如何做好核电项目竣工文件的质量过程控制进行分析研究。 The construction period of nuclear power projects is long, the technical content is high, there are many units involved in construction, and the types of completed documents are complex. During the entire project construction, only the process control of the quality of the completed documents can effectively ensure its completeness, accuracy, system and standardization. In this paper, based on the experience of completion document management of AP1000 nuclear island project of AP1000 nuclear power station, this paper analyzes and studies how to do the quality process control of the completion document of nuclear power project.
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