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国内首家数据库与多媒体技术研究所于1992年12月19日在我校成立.由我校计算机系冯玉才教授担任该所所长,作为开办该研究所的合作单位负责人,机电部电科院院长、党委书记侯一鸣和我校副校长朱耀庭为该所成立剪彩,他们还分别担任该所管委会正、副主任委员.数据库与多媒体技术是近年来为国内学术界非常重视的计算机技术研究领域.但因为我国在这一领域研究起步较晚,目前国内采用的几乎均为国外数据库系统,其后果可通俗地比喻为“吸鸦片”,而且所贮存的信息易被窃取和人为“病毒”感染.因此,研制具有我国独立版权的数据库管理系统替代进口,已势在必行,数据库与多媒体技术研究所也正是在这一严峻形势下应运而生.计算机系冯玉才教授的课题组80年代中期即开始研制国产化数据库系统,在艰苦的条件下苦干数年,终于在1988年研制完成国内第一个国产化数据库管 The first domestic database and multimedia technology research institute was established in our school on December 19, 1992. Professor Feng Yucai, a professor of computer science in our university, served as director of the institute. As the head of the cooperation unit that opened the institute, Dean Hou, party secretary Hou Yiming and Zhu Yaoting, vice president of our school for the establishment of the ribbon-cutting, they also serve as the management committee, vice chairman of the database and multimedia technology in recent years for the domestic academic community attaches great importance to the field of computer technology research However, since our country started relatively lately in this field, most of the current domestic applications are foreign database systems, the consequences of which can be generally described as “opium smoking”, and the stored information is easily stolen and infected by human “viruses” Therefore, it is imperative to develop a database management system with independent copyright in our country to replace the imported ones, and the Institute of Database and Multimedia Technology came into being in this severe situation as well. The research group of Professor Feng Yucai, a professor of computer science, That is, began to develop domestic database system, hard work in hard conditions for several years, and finally developed in 1988 to complete the first domestic Production of Database
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本文就我国农业科技体制改革中智力引进方面的问题进行了分析探讨。 This paper analyzes the problems of intellectual introduction in the reform of agricultural scie