
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoyw00
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Background: It has been proposed that the management of incompletely excised recurrent basal cell carcinomas (BCCs)-should depend on their histological app earance, and that nonaggressive recurrent BCCsmay not require re-excision. Obj ectives: To determine the histological evolution of recurrent BCCs. Methods: In a 14- year retrospective study analysing histological sections of recurrent BCC s, 390 specimens from 191 patients were blindly classified by three physicians i nto aggressive and non-aggressive types according to Sexton’s classification . Initial histological sections were available for 33 of the recurrent BCCs. Des criptive analysis was performed. Results: Eight of 33 (24% ) recurrent BCCs bec ame histologically more aggressive. Four of 20 (20% ) originally nonaggressive BCCs became aggressive during recurrence and four of 13 (31% ) originally aggre ssive BCCs showed a more aggressive component during recurrence. These incomplet ely excised aggressive BCCs were sited in periorbital and perinasal areas and on the cheek, and were re-excised. Conclusions: Management of incompletely excis ed nonaggressive BCCs (nodular or superficial types) is still a matter of debate . Previously reported studies have shown recurrence in < 10% of nonaggressive incompletely excised BCCs. Our study showed that rare recurrences of these initially nonaggressive BCCs showed an aggressive component in 20% of cases. These results suggest that initially nonaggressive incompletely excised B CCs do not require re-excision except if they are located in sites with a poor prognosis. Background: It has been proposed that the management of incompletely recived basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) -should depend on their histological app earance, and that nonaggressive recurrent BCCsmay not require re-excision. Obj ectives: To determine the histological evolution of recurrent BCCs . Methods: In a 14-year retrospective study of histological sections of recurrent BCCs, 390 specimens from 191 patients were blindly classified by three physicians i nto aggressive and non-aggressive types according to Sexton’s classification. Initial histological sections were available for 33 of Four of 20 (20%) originally nonaggressive BCCs became aggressive during the recurrence and four of 13 (31%) of those originally recurrent BCCs. Des criptive analysis was performed. Results: Eight of 33 (24%) recurrent BCCs bec ame histologically more aggressive. aggre ssive BCCs showed a more aggressive component during recurrence. These incomplets ely excised aggressive BCCs were sited in peri orbital and perinasal areas and on the cheek, and were re-excised. Conclusions: Management of incompletely excis ed nonaggressive BCCs (nodular or superficial types) is still a matter of debate. Previously reported studies have shown recurrence in <10% of nonaggressive incompletely excised BCCs. Our study showed that rare recurrences of these initially nonaggressive BCCs showed an aggressive component in 20% of cases. These results suggest the initially nonaggressive incompletely excised B CCs do not require re-excision except if they are located in sites with a poor prognosis.
白洋淀明眸皓齿,美,成为我们的宿命,这或许也是白洋淀诗群衍生,存在的诠释所在吧。 当时情形虽然生活困窘,大环境压抑,但美丽的白洋淀,友善的人群,淳朴的村风,使无以为诉的
日前从国家中医药管理局亚健康干预技术实验室传出消息,我国科学家2012年5月在美国PLoS ONE杂志上发布了灵芝全基因组精细图谱,灵芝全基因组也是目前世界首个公开发表的兼性寄生药食用真菌的全基因组。灵芝全基因组图谱的成功绘制首次实现了中药研究在基因组尺度寻找新的代谢功能基因及调控元件,为代谢网络重构及灵芝种质保护与创新奠定了基础,将推动灵芝成为第一个“模式药用真菌”,为真菌中药的研究提供系统工具