
来源 :就业与保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiu1111
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新华社发表时评文章指出,2005年上半年,我国就业再就业工作取得积极进展,城镇新增就业和下岗失业人员再就业数量增加,职业培训工作得到加强,农民进城就业环境进一步改善。但是,当前的就业形势依然严峻,促进就业工作还需抓紧。就业再就业工作处于新旧体制转轨时期,今年下半年和今后几年,重点仍是再就业工作,争取用2-3年时间,进一步解决好历史遗留问题,为建立市场化的就业机制奠定基础。今年下半年,要确保“95146”目标的全面完成,井更加注重提高就业质量。 Xinhua News Agency published commentary article pointed out that in the first half of 2005, China's employment and reemployment achieved positive progress in urban newly added employment and laid-off workers increased the number of reemployment, vocational training has been strengthened, and further improve the employment environment for peasants into the city. However, the current employment situation is still grim and employment needs to be accelerated. Employment and reemployment work is in the transitional period of old and new systems. In the second half of this year and the coming years, the focus will still be on reemployment and a 2-3 year period will be taken to further solve the problems left over by history and lay the foundation for establishing a market-oriented employment mechanism. In the second half of this year, it is necessary to ensure the full implementation of the “95146” goal and pay more attention to improving the quality of employment.
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结肠癌并发肠梗阻临床常见,由于癌肿病情隐匿,多以急性梗阻就诊,其发生率为7%~29%,易延误诊断及治疗。我院1992年~1999年10月收治36例,就其诊断治疗讨论如下。 Colorectal ca