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李立三的一生是坎坷而多难的,但他也是幸运的,因为在无数次人生磨难与挫折中,他始终拥有一份来自妻子的坚贞的爱情,这份来自俄罗斯的爱在残酷的政治考验中显示了它的珍贵和崇高。李立三是一位富有传奇色彩的共和国工运先驱,又是一位一生坎坷、几经浮沉的坚强勇士。他曾和刘少奇一起领导了安源路矿工人大罢工,担任过上海总工会委员长,领导了震惊中外的“五卅运动”。他还参与 Li Lisan’s life is rough and difficult, but he is also lucky, because in countless hardships and setbacks in life, he always has a heartfelt love from his wife, this love from Russia in the cruel political tests It shows its precious and sublime. Li Lisan is a legendary pioneer of the Workers’ Movement of the Republic. He is also a hard-working, bumpy and brave warrior. Together with Liu Shaoqi, he led the strike of Anyuan miners and served as the chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions. He led the “Five Mile campaigns” that stunned both China and foreign countries. He is also involved
  Due to increasing resistance of fungi against conventional drugs,as well as the observable side effects of the already limited numbers of antifungals common
  The Wnt family encodes the multi-functional signaling glycoproteins regulating a wide variety of normal and pathological processes including embryogenesis a
[本刊讯](周辛记者缪惟民)2011世界制药机械、包装设备与包装材料中国展(P-MEC China 2011)与同期举办的“第十届世界制药原料中国展(CPhI China 2011)”将于2011年6月21日—
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。我国第一茶院士——陈宗懋@薛可@慕良 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profi
1998年藁城市农技推广中心会同市蔬菜技术服务中心引种秋冬茬抱子甘蓝试种成功 ,由于其风味独特 ,营养价值高、栽培容易 ,收获期又正值元旦及春节期间 ,667 (亩)可获效益1~1.2万元 ,深受广
  Polymorphism is an important consideration in pharmaceutical development because it can impact stability and solubility of drug substance or drug product le
  The regulatory standards for the approval of a new drug in the claimed indication are that it needs substantial evidence of efficacy and safety from clinica
2006年1月16日,非洲第一位民选女总统——利比里亚的埃伦·约翰逊- 瑟利夫就职典礼召开。年已 67岁的她究竟是怎样一个人呢? On January 16, 2006, Elon Johnson-Sirleaf’s
加强校长队伍建设,是教育行政部门一个永恒的话题。在“局长访谈”栏目中,本期推出的是襄樊市教育局局长李菲的专访《校长论坛——校长收获“金苹果”的地方》。 Strengthen