孟聚诚 ( 194 8年 1月~ ) ,男 ,汉族 ,1967年毕业于甘肃省兰州卫生学校药学专业。毕业后曾在某国营大型企业职工医院就职。 1977年考入兰州医学院药学系学习 ,1982年毕业并获学士学位 ,同年分配到中国农业科学院中兽医研究所中药研究室工作 ,先后晋升为研究实习员、助理研
Meng Juicheng (194 8 January ~), male, Han nationality, graduated from Gansu Lanzhou Health School pharmacy in 1967. After graduating in a large state-owned enterprise workers hospital. He was admitted to the Department of Pharmacy of Lanzhou Medical College in 1977 and graduated in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree. In the same year, he was assigned to the Chinese medicine research institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and was promoted to a research intern and assistant research institute