继往开来 再创辉煌 迎接国防科技工业标准化工作的新挑战——国防科技工业标准化工作会议工作报告(摘录)

来源 :航天标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiushizhegehao
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今天,我们在这里召开国防科技工业标准化工作会议,总结5年来的工作经验,表彰先进个人,研究加快标准化工作发展的新思路。这次会议的主要任务是:贯彻党的十六大精神,落实国防科技工业科学技术大会要求,明确“十一五”标准化工作发展方向和目标,全面推进数字化军工建设的标准化工 Today, we hold a conference on standardization of national defense science and technology industry here. We have summarized our work experience over the past five years, commended advanced individuals, and studied new ideas for accelerating the development of standardization. The main tasks of this meeting are to implement the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, implement the requirements of the National Science and Technology for Science and Technology for National Defense, clarify the development direction and objectives of standardization in the 11th Five-year Plan period, comprehensively promote the standardization of chemical industry in digital construction
经济全球化是 2 1世纪国际社会经济发展的大趋势 ,利用两种资源、两种资本、两个市场是我国石油工业发展的既定战略。如何在经济全球化过程中充分利用我国的钻井“资源” ,是
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继去年全国2 2个省区拉闸限电后,1~4月又有2 4个省区相继拉闸限电。能源专家分析认为,分布能源是缓解我国严重缺电局面、保证可持续发展战略实施的有效途径之一,发展潜力巨大
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Shanghai Five”, a mechanism begun in April 1996, has, in the spirit of consultations on an equal footing and mutual accommodation, demonstrated to the world a