Ensuring Economic Health

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Though China's economy is breathing a sigh of relief after several nervous months,it is still not time to sit back and relax.Much needs to be done to ensure the sustainability of growth momentum.Guo Tianvong,Director of the Research Center of the China Banking Industry of the Central University of Finance and Economics,discussed this issue in an article recently published in the Shanghai Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow……
摘 要:近年来,网络购物在我们日常生活中变得越来越重要。为了满足口味挑剔的消费者,传统的互联网购物模式不断更新改变。其中,一种新型购物体验模式—“一元购”正借助于社交圈得到迅速发展,迅速扩大。然而,“一元购”的购物的性质受到质疑,此种购物模式已触及非法经营罪或赌博犯罪,给消费者埋下了巨大的消费隐患。  关键词:一元购;非法经营罪;赌博犯罪  一、何谓“一元购”  如幻想“天上掉馅饼”一样,人们都会
In the past three decades,the Chinese hotel industry has developed at a rapid pace,with the number of hotels-especially high star hotelsgrowing fast.In Beijing
Toyota Motor Corp.-the world's largest carmaker.China-the world's biggest auto market.When the two come together,no matter is too trivial to address.But when t
【摘要】村镇银行作为新生事物,其发展不可避免地会受到各种因素的制约,尤其是在自主经营、服务功能、市场竞争及政策扶持力度等方面面临困难。因此,应该从法人结构治理、服务功能提升、金融同业合作及加大政策力度等方面积极寻求有效的解决办法,以促进村镇银行的可持续发展。  【关键词】村镇银行 问题 可持续发展 建议  村镇银行是国际普惠制金融观和我国农村金融领域“增量改革”的重要实践。自2007年10月银监会
China hopes that its economy can grow this year unaffected by international speculative funds,or hot money.But questions are increasing in frequency surroundin
Beijing housewife Jian An and her family spent 8,563 yuan($1,260)during the Spring Festival holiday(February 13-19),which was even higher than her monthly earni