
来源 :山西青年(新晋商) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gengkc
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蔡先生,男,35岁。在媒体圈摸爬滚打了十几年,由于工作关系,经常开车外出,时间一久,整个背部和脖子后面就特别酸痛。刚开始他还以为是落枕或是休息不好所致,并未太注意。只有在痛得实在受不了时,才会想到去做做按摩保健。结果按摩完不但没有效果,反而更痛了。后来经医生诊断,他已经得了颈椎病。城市里日渐增多的背痛一族提醒社会,颈椎病患者已经年轻化和职业化。当发达国家的人群呵护自己身上出现的诸多“富贵病”时,在高速城市化的今日中国,人们必须为辛苦的伏案工作和长时间的以车代步而付出颈椎劳损的代价。来医院看颈 Mr. Cai, male, 35 years old. In the media circle fought for more than 10 years, due to work, often go out to drive over time, the entire back and neck particularly sore. At first he thought it was due to stiff neck or poor rest, and did not pay too much attention. Only in the pain really can not stand it, will think of doing massage health care. The result is not only no effect after massage, but more painful. Later diagnosed by a doctor, he had cervical spondylosis. The increasing number of back pain in the city reminds the community that patients with cervical spondylosis have become younger and more professional. When people in developed countries care for many “rich disease ” appearing in their body, in today’s high-speed urbanization in China, people must pay the cost of cervical strain for hard desk work and long-term car substitution. To the hospital to see the neck
Forward error correction (FEC) is a method by which extra information is included along with the original signal to provide redundancy for correcting bit errors
美国 E Ink公司、朗讯科技公司和 Xerox公司相继开发出像纸一样薄、可以反复利用的“电子纸”。   电子纸是一种显示器,厚度和重量都像纸一样,而且质地柔软,它可以应用于电子
康医生:  我怀孕七个月发现下肢轻度浮肿、尿中有泡沫,去医院检查发现尿蛋白(+),我很担心是不是得了肾脏病,对宝宝会有影响吗?该如何治疗?  韦 尚(广西)韦尚读者:  部分身体健康的孕妇在孕期亦会出现微量蛋白尿,其原因主要为:怀孕后肾脏体积增大,肾小球滤过率增加,因此蛋白的滤出也随之增加;孕期脊柱前凸,肝脏压迫下腔静脉以致肾静脉压升高;增大的子宫压迫肾静脉。如果孕妇在怀孕前没有肾脏病,在孕期出现