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一九四七年的三月,延河还没有解冻,清凉山上还残存着片片积雪,国民党胡宗南匪帮向延安发动了进攻。我们新华通讯社的电务工作人员,随着党中央机关和总社主动从延安撤退了。那时候。国民党匪军在各个战场上都打了败仗,蒋介石为了挽救他的垂死统治,一面召开了伪国民大会,一面冒险进攻我们的党中央和人民解放军总部所在地延安。正像党和毛主席所指出的,这丝毫不是表示国民党统治的强有力,而是表示了国民党统治的危机已异常深刻化。我们撤离延安的同志,都决心以更好的工作成绩,来回击国民党的无耻进攻。每一个人都有这样的信心:延安,不久的将来就会重回人民之手,它永远是属于人民的! 离开延安以后,我们先转移到延安以北二百多里路的瓦窑堡。在这里,新华总社根据中央的决定,一小部分人跟随毛主席等中央负责同志留陕北坚持工作,大部分人东渡黄河向晋冀鲁豫解放区太行山地区转移,以便在太行山地区建立新的电台,接替陕北的广播,使党的广播宣传工作不间断。我们电务工作人员,也分成两部分,分别随总社行动。 In March 1947, the Yan River had not yet been thawed, the snow patches remained on the Qingliang Mountain, and the Kuomintang Hu Tsung-nan bandit gang launched an offensive on Yan’an. Our Xinhua News Agency’s service staff members retreated from Yan’an on the initiative of the organs of the Party Central Committee and the head office. At that time. The Kuomintang bandit army defeated on various battlefields. In order to save his dying rule, Chiang Kai-shek convened a pseudo-National Assembly and took the risk of attacking Yan’an where our Party Central Committee and the headquarters of the People’s Liberation Army are located. As the Party and Chairman Mao have pointed out, this in no way represents the strength of the Kuomintang rule, but rather shows that the crisis of Kuomintang rule has been extremely profound. Our comrades who have evacuated from Yan’an are determined to fight the shameless attack on the Kuomintang with better achievements. Everyone has the confidence that Yan’an will return to the hands of the people in the near future. It will always belong to the people. After leaving Yenan, we will first move to Wayaobao, over 200 miles north of Yanan. Here, according to the decision of the Central Government, a small group of people followed Chairman Mao and other central comrades-in-charge to stay in northern Shaanxi and most of the people went eastward to transfer the Yellow River to the Taihang Mountains in the liberated area of ​​Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan liberation so as to establish a new zone in the Taihang Mountains Of radio stations, to replace the radio in northern Shaanxi, the party’s radio and television publicity work uninterrupted. Our electrician staff, also divided into two parts, respectively, with the head office operations.