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近年来,报纸市场竞争日趋激烈,在晚报、都市报等大众化报纸市场扩大的情况下,党报的竞争能力受到影响,地市级党报则感到危机四伏。 首先我们看到的事实是,在新起的大众化报纸竞争下,不少地市级党报的市场占有率在下降:尽管有党委的干预,但是发行份数在逐年下滑。其次是党报的读者减少,许多读者对党报没了阅读兴趣,转而订阅晚报或都市报。再次是影响力下降,许多通讯员热衷于为其它报纸提供信息,或重视其它报纸的报道,而忽视对党报的支持。 这些现象说明,目前党报经营谋略上存在缺 In recent years, the newspaper market has become increasingly competitive. With the expansion of the popular newspaper market such as the Evening News and the Metropolis Daily, the competitiveness of the Party newspapers has been affected, and the municipal party newspaper has felt the crisis. First of all, we have seen the fact that the market share of many municipal-level party newspapers is declining under the competition of newly started popular newspapers: the number of shares issued has been declining year by year despite the intervention of the party committees. Followed by fewer readers of the party newspaper, many readers did not read the party newspaper interest, instead subscribe to the evening newspaper or the Metropolis Daily. Once again, there is a decline in influence. Many correspondents are keen on providing information to other newspapers or on the coverage of other newspapers, neglecting their support for party newspapers. These phenomena show that there is a lack of business strategy in party newspapers at present
夏日,一位摆摊卖西瓜的农民,在摊子前挂了块牌子,上写“此处西瓜出售”六个字。西瓜卖得挺快。 张三看见招牌后摇摇头说:你只写“西瓜出售”四字即可,“此处”二字可省略,因
误 正rn编写人员名单中丁宝莲 南通教育学院 南通师范学院rnX Ⅰ 6-6.6 谷胱甘酞含量的测定 谷胱甘肽含量的
今年开学,恰逢元宵节,我校一年一度的“猜灯谜大会”又热热闹闹地开始了。  时间一到,我迫不及待地跑下楼去。校园的活动区内,熙熙攘攘有不少人。我高兴极了,因为我终于有用武之地了——早在开学,我就报名参加了学校的猜谜社团。  猜谜需要考虑字形。看,“青一块,紫一块。——打一字。”我紧皱了眉头。凭借我的经验,我认定谜底一定是青的一部分加上紫的一部分。“青的上部分加上‘系’……有了!‘素’字!”我把我的答