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基于生态系统的渔业管理是目前全球渔业管理的新理念,其要求从海洋生态系统整体出发制定渔业管理决策,并运用多学科知识,加强各部门合作,实现资源开发与生态保护相协调。目前东海渔业管理面临着内外双重压力。对内,渔业资源因过度捕捞和海洋污染不断衰退;对外,中日、中韩渔业协定生效后,近海捕捞作业压力因大量渔船回归而进一步加大。因而,探索基于生态系统的管理对于解决东海渔业问题应该是一种有益尝试。实现基于生态系统的东海渔业管理首先在立法上应修订现有渔业法规,增加有关生态系统管理的规定。其次在实践中应采取多部门协作、促进利益相关者参与管理、建立海洋保护区和生态监控区、加强与日韩合作等措施,切实推进基于生态系统的渔业管理在东海实施。 Ecosystem-based fisheries management is currently a new concept of global fisheries management that calls for the development of decision-making on fisheries management from the perspective of the marine ecosystem as a whole and the application of multidisciplinary knowledge to strengthen cooperation among various sectors for the coordination of resource development and ecological protection. At present, the fisheries management in the East China Sea is facing double pressure inside and outside. Internally, the fishery resources are overfished and marine pollution is declining. External, the entry into force of fishery agreements between China, Japan and China and the Republic of Korea, the pressure of offshore fishing operations is further increased due to the return of a large number of fishing vessels. Therefore, exploring ecosystem-based management should be a beneficial attempt to solve the fishery problem in the East China Sea. Ecosystem-based fisheries management in the East China Sea First of all, legislative changes should be made to existing fisheries laws and regulations to increase the provisions on ecosystem management. Secondly, in practice, we should take multi-sectoral cooperation to promote stakeholder participation in management, establish marine protected areas and ecological monitoring areas, strengthen cooperation with Japan and South Korea and other measures to effectively promote the implementation of ecosystem-based fisheries management in the East China Sea.
【正】 美国罗斯福政府1939年通过的改组法案(Reorganization Act of 1939),不仅对当时政府的某些机构进行了调整,而且决定设立总统办事机构(Executive Office of the Presid
<正> 问题的提出现阶段我们的文学还缺少些什么? 有人冷静地指出,这一时期文学“捧”的太多了,需要“降温”;有人偏激地要否定这一时期的文学,认为根本没有什么值得如此褒奖