Trimodel hierarchical yolk-shell porous materials TS-1@mesocarbon:Synthesis and catalytic applicatio

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdh188
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Trimodal hierarchical yolk-shell materials consisting of TS-1 core and mesoporous carbon shell(YS-TS-1@MC) was successfully synthesized by using TS-1@mesosilica as hard template,sucrose as carbon source and organic base tetrapropylammonium hydroxide(TPAOH) as silica etching agent.The resultant YS-TS-1@MC contains the micropores(0.51 nm) in TS-1 core,the mesopores(2.9 nm) in carbon shell as well as a void or a stack pore between TS-1 fragcments(TS-1 intercrystal mesopores,~18.4 nm).Under the rigorous etching conditions,the crystalline structure of TS-1 core was well retained.The YS-TS-1@MC served as a good support for palladium nano-particles(Pd NPs) or Rh(OH)x species,giving rise to efficient bifunctional catalysts for the tandem reactions including one-pot synthesis of propylene oxide or amides. Trimodal hierarchical yolk-shell materials consisting of TS-1 core and mesoporous carbon shell (YS-TS-1 @ MC) was successfully synthesized by using TS-1 @ mesosilica as hard template, sucrose as carbon source and organic base tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH ) as silica etching agent.The resultant YS-TS-1 @MC contains the micropores (0.51 nm) in TS-1 core, the mesopores (2.9 nm) in carbon shell as well as a void or a stack pore between TS- 1 fragmentation (TS-1 intercrystal mesopores, ~18.4 nm) .Under the rigorous etching conditions, the crystalline structure of TS-1 core was well retained. YS-TS-1 @ MC served as a good support for palladium nano-particles Pd NPs) or Rh (OH) x species, giving rise to efficient bifunctional catalysts for the tandem reactions including one-pot synthesis of propylene oxide or amides.
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