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提及西北,总是难忘它的大气与厚重,而提及青春,多是看到它的浮躁与迷惘。可当这二者相交融的时候,能看到什么呢?在一沓沓烫金的“第七届陕西青年科技奖”获奖荣誉证书前,笔者惟有激动后的默然。我欣慰地看到了一片景象——西北地区优秀的青年科技工作者们,他们在各自不同科学领域里的拼搏历程,那是用青春换来的骄傲,用心血浇铸出来的壮丽诗篇!这群将黄土高原和黄土高原下的苍凉大地作为自己人生宿命的科学人,正在用默默地承诺和奉献,筑就起青春的城堡,以突出的成就,留下自己岁月无悔的人生烙印!明天,也许他们会向更高的巅峰攀去,而这些留下来的宝贵记录,将是他们青春的证明。在此,特别感谢陕西省科学技术协会,感谢他们为青年科技工作者们搭建起展示青春风采的平台,他们为此所付出的艰辛努力,也必将镌刻在科学发展的史册上。是为序。 When it comes to the northwest, it is always unforgettable of its atmosphere and its heavy weight. When it comes to youth, it mostly shows its impetuousness and perplexity. But when the two blend, what can be seen? In a stack of gold foil, “the Seventh Shaanxi Youth Science and Technology Award” award-winning certificate, the author only after the excitement of silence. I am relieved to see a scene - outstanding young scientists in the northwest region, their struggle in their respective fields of science and technology, that is, with the youth of the pride, carefully painstakingly cast a magnificent poem! The desolate earth under the Loess Plateau and the loess plateau, as a scientist in the life and death of one’s own life, is building a castle full of youth with its promise and dedication in silence. With outstanding achievements, it will leave a mark on life without remorse! Tomorrow, maybe They will climb to a higher peak, and these precious records that remain will be the proof of their youth. Special thanks go to the Shaanxi Provincial Association of Science and Technology for their contributions to building a platform for young scientists and technicians to showcase their youthful style. The hard work they have devoted to this task will certainly be engraved on the annals of scientific development. Is for the order.
目的 探讨固定性内斜视的手术治疗方法与疗效.方法 对6例(8眼)固定性内斜视,在内直肌断腱后,采用眶外侧带蒂骨膜瓣缝合固定在外直肌止点前的巩膜面,观察眼位,随访1~2年.结果 8只眼术后眼位均调到正位,但不能水平转动;残余视力得以利用,无严重并发症发生,美容效果满意.结论 利用眶外侧带蒂骨膜瓣建立眶-球连接,能矫正固定性内斜视,是一种安全有效的手术方法。
目的 系统评价认知行为疗法对注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)患者的干预效果.方法 检索中国知网(CNKI)、EBSCQ、Science Direct、Web of Science等中外文数据库中关于认知行为疗法在