
来源 :山东消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyang1979
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造成40人死亡,近百人受伤的香港嘉利大厦火灾惨剧调查报告近日正式公布。报告显示,引致多人伤亡的主要原因是在场人土对火警缺乏警觉性,加上大厦的电梯门被拆去,而项三层的防烟门又没有关上,引致火焰迅速蔓延。由于该大厦并没有完善的防火设施,火灾发生时,所有逃生之路 A report on the investigation of the fire disaster at the Garley Building in Hong Kong, which caused 40 deaths and nearly 100 injuries, was officially announced recently. According to the report, the main cause of many casualties was the lack of alertness of the people on the ground to the fire alarm, the removal of the elevator doors of the building, and the closing of the third floor of the smoke prevention door, leading to the rapid spread of fire. Since the building does not have perfect fire protection facilities, all fire escapes will happen when a fire breaks out.
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AIM To identify the risk factors for mortality in intensive care patients with postoperative peritonitis(POP).METHODS This was a retrospective analysis using a
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