The integrated risk assessment and zoning of meteorological disaster in Heilongjiang Province of Chi

来源 :寒旱区科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ajunyx
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This paper describes studies on the integrated risk assessment and zoning of meteorological disaster in Heilongjiang Province, in northeastern China, by using information-diffusion theory and cluster method with 35 years of summer temperature and precipita tion data from 74 meteorological stations from 1971 through 2005. The information-diffusion theory has been used extensively in risk assessment, yet almost no one has done research about risk assessment by information-diffusion theory based on meteoro logical disaster standards. Some research results are as follows: the risk probability of low temperature and cold damage in the northern region is higher than that in the southem region; the risk probability of general low temperature and cold damage in the southwestern region is the highest; the risk probability of serious low temperature and cold damage in the northern region is the highest, followed by the central and southeast region; the high-risk region of arid disaster in Heilongjiang Province was primarily located in the southwestern, central, and southern parts of the province; the high-intensity arid disaster was located in the southeastern region; the high-risk region of flood in Heilongiiang Province was primarily located from the southwest and then across the central part to the western part of Heilongjiang Province; the high-intensity flood disasters were located in almost every part of Heilongjiang Province. We can conclude from the integrated meteorological disaster risk zoning that the high-risk region of meteorological disaster is primarily located in the southern and northern part of the province, the moderate-risk region is distributed in the central southern region and western region, the low-risk region is located in the eastern part, and the light-risk region is located in the central western part of Heilongjiang Province.
本文通过对能力本位及能力内涵的分析,构建了高校定向运动课程能力本位的能力结构与内容,并对高校定向运动课程考核模式与方法进行了研究。 By analyzing the connotation o
目的 探讨吡格列酮活化的PPAR-γ对Jurkat T细胞NO/NOS表达的影响,分析其与调节Th1/Th2细胞失衡之间具体的作用机制.方法 RT-PCR检测PPAR-γ mRNA的表达,硝酸还原酶法测量NO