The Unity in the Magic Barrel

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigboss555
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Aristotle is a Greek philosopher and polymath,a master of the ancient Greek literary criticism and literary studies.Unity idea is one of his important literature criticism thoughts which were put forward in Poetics.The Magic Barrel is Bernard Malamud’s famous short story.By the conception of unity,this paper analyzed the different components in The Magic Barrel and talked about the unity from the writing approach aspect. It’s helpful for us to have a better understanding about how the author reveals the theme and how the author achieves the unity in the story. Aristotle is a Greek philosopher and polymath, a master of the ancient Greek literary criticism and literary studies. Unity idea is one of his important literature criticism thoughts which were put forward in Poetics. The Magic Barrel is Bernard Malamud’s famous short story. The conception of unity, this paper analyzed the different components in The Magic Barrel and talked about the unity from the writing approach aspect. It’s helpful for us to have a better understanding about about the author reveals the theme and how the author achieves the unity in the story .
也许你和爱人的感情浓得化不开,在某个特殊的时候,你想营造浪漫甜蜜的气氛,想悄悄地告诉他,你是多么爱他,你们在一起的每一天,都是情人节。  当那首熟悉的情歌在彼此的心中响起,有阵阵轻风吹来。在这个夜晚,让玫瑰统治,让心聆听。那么,让你们守候着融有玫瑰的水晶之心,静等那爱的锁链,来锁住彼此的心,锁住灵魂与灵魂那永无休止的倾诉与聆听。  只要信任爱情,你们便能触到彼此的心,触到彼此的灵魂。而灵魂正青春。
“Jingle bells,Jingle bells,Jingle all the way…”每当这熟悉的歌声响起,也就预示着温馨的圣诞节离我们越来越近。怎样才能让节日的气氛更浓些?除了去商店采购现成制品。
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