Actions of genistein on contractile response of smooth muscle isolated from guinea pig gallbladder

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wisdomroc
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BACKGROUND:Defective contractile motility of the gallbladder is an important factor for gallstone formation.Estrogen might increase the risk of gallstones and cholecystitis,and estradiol inhibits the contractile activity of isolated strips of guinea pig gallbladder.The potential risks associated with hormone replacement therapy(HRT) include symptomatic gallstones.Phytoestrogen have been used to treat menopause syndromes by replacing traditional estrogen.This experiment aimed to determine the effects of the phytoestrogen genistein on the contractile response of smooth muscle strips isolated from guinea pig gallbladder and its possible mechanism of action.METHODS:Guinea pigs were sacrificed to remove the whole gallbladder.Two or three smooth muscle strips were cut longitudinally.Each strip was suspended in a tissue chamber containing Krebs solution.After 2 hours of equilibration,contractile response indexes were recorded.Different concentrations of genistein were added to the chamber and the contractile responses were measured.Each antagonist was added 2 minutes before genistein to study possible mechanisms.The effect of genistein on calcium-dependent contraction curves and biphasic contraction in calcium-free Krebs solution were measured.RESULTS:Genistein decreased the resting tension dose-dependently,and reduced the mean contractile amplitude and frequency in gallbladder strips.Ranitidine partly inhibited the effect of genistein,but methylene blue,Nω-nitro-L-arginine,and propranolol hydrochloride did not influence this action.Genistein had no significant effects on calcium-dependent contraction.Genistein reduced the first contraction induced by acetylcholine chloride,but did not affect the second contraction caused by CaCl2.CONCLUSIONS:Genistein relaxed smooth muscle isolated from the gallbladder of guinea pigs and this might contribute to the formation of gallstones.The inhibitory action might be related to H2 receptors and the release of intracellular Ca 2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum.Replacing traditional estrogen with phytoestrogen to treat menopause syndromes may increase the risk of gallstone formation. BACKGROUND: Defective contractile motility of the gallbladder is an important factor for gallstone formation. Estrogen might increase the risk of gallstones and cholecystitis, and estradiol inhibits the contractile activity of isolated strips of guinea pig gallbladder. The potential risks associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT ) include symptomatic gallstones. Phytoestrogen have been used to treat menopause syndromes by reversing traditional estrogen. This experiment aimed to determine the effects of the phytoestrogen genistein on the contractile response of smooth muscle strips isolated from guinea pig gallbladder and its possible mechanism of action. METHODS : Guinea pigs were sacrificed to remove the whole gallbladder.Two or three smooth muscle strips were cut longitudinally. Each strip was suspended in a tissue chamber containing Krebs solution. After 2 hours of equilibration, contractile response indexes were recorded. Different concentrations of genistein were added to the chamber and the contractile responses were measured in 2 minutes before genistein to study possible mechanisms. The effect of genistein on calcium-dependent contraction curves and biphasic contraction in calcium-free Krebs solution were measured .RESULTS: Genistein decreased the resting tension dose- dependently, and reduced the mean contractile amplitude and frequency in gallbladder strips. Ranitidine partly inhibited the effect of genistein, but methylene blue, Nω-nitro-L-arginine, and propranolol hydrochloride did not affect this action. Genistein had no significant effects on calcium -dependent contraction. Reduction of the first contraction induced by acetylcholine chloride, but did not affect the second contraction caused by CaCl2.CONCLUSIONS: Genistein relaxed smooth muscle isolated from the gallbladder of guinea pigs and this might contribute to the formation of gallstones. The inhibitory action might be related to H2 receptors and the release of intracellular Ca 2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Replacing traditional estrogen with phytoestrogen to treat menopause syndromes may increase the risk of gallstone formation.
摘 要:地理有着其特有的学科特点,概括来说,主要是地理囊括的知识范围很广,要求学生理解和记忆的内容很多。所以,要学好这门功课,需要教师开动脑筋,加强对学生创新能力的激发。同时,新课标也不断强化教师对学生创新能力的培养,为学生的成长助力。本文着重论述了在地理教学时应从哪些方面提高学生学习地理的能力,如何培养学生的创新能力,以便更好地促进学生发展。  关键词:地理教学;创新能力;培养  国家一直致力于
星期一,办公室的气氛格外低迷,你拖着脚步进公司,只见周围的人看起来都没精打采,意兴阑珊。10点半开会,一个小时下来,也不知道经理究竟说了什么,只看到坐在对面的几个同事对着会议记录发呆……  不用点头了,很多上班族都会有以上的经历。周末狂欢过后,痛苦的一个星期又将开始,倦怠、沮丧,懒洋洋、病恹恹,这就是“星期一症候群”的症状。在国外,有人把星期一称为“Blue Monday”,而且还视之为一种心理疾