
来源 :语数外学习(初中版七年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:khalista6
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近几年各地中考试题中,出现了一些构思新颖、形式多样的几何操作题,从注重考查空间想象能力与动手操作能力的实践操作题,发展为基于动态操作的探究题.只要我们善于抓住运动变化过程中的静止的某一瞬间,画出相应图形,构建相应的数学模型进行分析与探究,便能找到解题技巧. In recent years, various examination questions in various places have emerged in the form of new and diversified geometrical operation problems, which have been developed from the practical operation questions that focus on examining the ability of spatial imagination and hands-on operation to explore questions based on dynamic operation. As long as we are good at grasping Movement at a certain point in the static process of change, draw the corresponding graphics, build the corresponding mathematical model for analysis and exploration, we can find the problem-solving skills.
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