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据悉,上海市八成以上已经创业或者正在创业的企业主都是在29岁之前就掘到了“第一桶金”,而且仍不断趋于年轻化。这表明当代青年在经济发展中的地位和作用正从配角走向主角,从边缘走向核心,从生力军转变为主力军,创业已经成为青年的历史责任和品格特征。事实证明,已经有越来越多的年轻人,在毕业后选择创业。最好的就业是创业。上海市开业指导专家徐本亮认为,青年人创业,不是简单“就业”,而是要通过各种方式割断劳动者与“大锅饭”、“铁饭碗”等传统体制的联系,采取灵活多样的方式投身市场经济。创业要”活”得长,”活”得滋润,眼光应该避热就冷,独辟蹊径。下面,笔者选择了一些适合在夏季启动的创业项目,且投资金额都是在5万元以内,如果你有兴趣的话,完全可以利用假期考察、尝试一下! It is reported that more than 80% of Shanghai’s business owners who have started businesses or are starting businesses have dug out “the first pot of gold” before the age of 29, and they are still tending to be younger. This shows that the contemporary youth’s position and role in economic development are moving from the supporting role to the protagonist, from the edge to the core, and from the raw force to the main force. Entrepreneurship has become the youth’s historical responsibility and character characteristics. Facts have proved that more and more young people have chosen to start their own businesses after graduation. The best employment is entrepreneurship. Xu Benliang, a Shanghai-based professional guidance expert, believes that young people are not simply “employed” through entrepreneurship. Instead, they must cut off workers’ links with traditional systems such as “big pot rice” and “iron rice bowl” in various ways and take a flexible and diverse approach to the market. economic. Entrepreneurship must be “live” long, “living” is nourishing, eyes should be kept away from heat and cold, and new ways must be found. Below, the author chose some entrepreneurial projects that are suitable for starting in the summer, and the investment amount is within 50,000 yuan. If you are interested, you can use holiday inspections and try it out!
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