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2014年6月6日,由中国艺术研究院非物质文化遗产保护中心(以下简称中心)主办的第三届“中华非物质文化遗产传承人薪传奖”(以下简称“薪传奖”)和“中华非物质文化遗产保护贡献奖”(以下简称“保护贡献奖”)颁奖仪式在中国艺术研究院隆重举行。中国艺术研究院院长、中国非物质文化遗产保护中心主任王文章,文化部非物质文化遗产司司长马文辉,副司长马盛德、王福州,中国泛海控股集团有限公司董事、副 On June 6, 2014, the third session of the “Inheritance Salary Award for Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage” organized by the Center for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Chinese Academy of Arts (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) (hereinafter referred to as the “Salary Award ”) And“ China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Contribution Award ”(hereinafter referred to as “ Contribution to Conservation Contribution Award ”) ceremony was held at the China Academy of Art. Wang Wenzhang, dean of Chinese Art Research Institute, director of China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center, Ma Wenhui, director of Intangible Cultural Heritage Department of the Ministry of Culture, Ma Shengde, deputy director of Wang Fuzhou, director of China Fanhai Holding Group Co., Ltd.
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我的老家阿拉彝寨坐落在云南省武定县的金沙江南岸。山寨四周古树参天,寨中央有一棵郁郁苍苍枝繁叶茂的老榕树。老榕树下有一个很古朴的戏台,由清一色的长条石头支砌而成,大小不足30平方米。这便是老家彝人展示才艺的大舞台。  老家彝人们祖祖辈辈老老少少都爱唱爱跳。在我童年的记忆里,每当夜幕降临,彝人们吃过晚饭后,就来到老榕树下的古戏台边,争先恐后地登上戏台,你唱一曲,我演一场。轮不到登台的人们,就围坐在戏台
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