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人物档案林成翰,1943年生于大连市,祖籍山东烟台。1963年毕业于鲁迅美术学院附中,1968年毕业于鲁迅美术学院。1974年毕业于鲁迅美术学院中国画研究生班。上世纪70年代出版发表连环画、年画、宣传画数百幅。任辽宁省年画研究会副主席,第六届全国美展辽宁省评选委员会委员。80年代后期,专攻花鸟人物画创作,特别以画鸡著称于当今画坛,1990年创作中国第一部《百鸡图》长卷,被誉为中国“鸡王”。从艺50年来,作品多次入选国内外各种大型展览并获奖,被编入《中国现代美术全集》,曾在中国美术馆、广东美术馆、何香凝美术馆以及日本、韩国、东南亚等国家和台湾、香港等地区举办个人画展,作品被中国美术馆、日本现代美术馆、中国革命军事博物馆、旅顺博物馆、毛主席纪念堂等单位收藏,部分作品被全国人大、国务院及省市领导作为国礼馈赠外国政要及国际友人。应中央电视台之邀,参加1993年春节晚会,向全国观众拜年并展示《百鸡图》。2005年应中国文联、广电部、文化部之邀,参加鸡年全国文艺界百花迎春大联欢,现场挥毫。国内外出版有《中国当代美术家·林成翰》、《中国近现代名家·林成翰作品精选》、《林成翰的艺术世界》、《中国近现代名家精品集·林成翰百鸡图长卷》、《中国独树一帜名家·林成翰画鸡》等画集及美术理论著作十余部。现为辽宁省文史研究馆馆员,中国美术家协会会员、国家一级美术师、大连市群众艺术馆名誉馆长。 Character files Lin Chenghan, born in 1943 in Dalian City, native of Yantai, Shandong. He graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1963 and graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1968. In 1974 graduated from the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Chinese painting graduate class. 70s of last century published comic books, New Year pictures, hundreds of posters. Ren Liaoning Province Painting Research Association Vice Chairman, the Sixth National Art Exhibition Liaoning Provincial Selection Committee. In the late 1980s, he specialized in the creation of flower and bird figures and paintings. In particular, he is famous for painting chicken in today’s painting circle. In 1990, he created the first scroll of “Chinese chicken” in China and was named China’s “chicken king.” Over the past 50 years, his works have been selected for many large-scale exhibitions both at home and abroad and won prizes. His works have been incorporated into the Complete Works of Chinese Modern Art. He has worked in National Art Museum of China, Guangdong Art Museum, He Xiangning Art Museum, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia and Taiwan, , Hong Kong and other regions to hold solo exhibitions. His works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, Japan’s Museum of Modern Art, Chinese Revolutionary Military Museum, Lushun Museum and Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. Some of the works have been donated by the NPC, the State Council and provincial and municipal leaders as state gifts Foreign dignitaries and international friends. At the invitation of CCTV, take part in the 1993 Spring Festival Gala, pay homage to the national audience and display the “100 chicken map.” In 2005, at the invitation of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Ministry of Radio Film and Television and the Ministry of Culture, he participated in the Spring Festival Gala Spring Festival of National Culture and Art Festival of the Year of the Rooster. Domestic and foreign publications such as “Chinese contemporary artist · Lin Chenghan”, “Selected Works of Modern Chinese Famous Artists · Lin Chenghan”, “Lin Chenghan’s Art World”, “Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters Collection · Lin Chenghan’s 100 Chickens Volume” and “China’s Unique Famous · Lin Chenghan painting chicken ”and other paintings and art theory works of more than 10 ministries. He is currently a Librarian of the Liaoning Provincial Museum of History and Culture, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a national artist, and an honorary curator of the Mass Art Museum in Dalian.
中国国家无线电管理委员会与DECT(DigitalEuropean Cordless)中国论坛组织于1995年9月12~13日在北京京伦饭店共同举办了DECT技术研讨会,它是DECT中国论坛组织1995年7月初在京
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