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形式主义的要害是,贪图虚名,不务实效,劳民伤财。勤政为民,真抓实干,是密切联系群众的根本要求。党员干部要增强事业心和责任心,坚持科学态度和求实精神,兢兢业业地做好工作,年轻干部尤其要在实践中经受考验,把精力用在勤勤恳恳为人民服务上。要埋头苦干,扎实工作,坚持讲真话、报实情,力戒浮躁浮夸。要把抓落实作为推进各项工作的关键环节,把中央的决策和部署变为各级党组织和广大群众的实际行动。要爱惜人力、财力、物力,着力解决国家和人民群众的当务之急,反对搞华而不实和脱离实际的“形象工程”、“政绩工程”。正确认识和评价干部政绩,建立和完善科学的考核标准,竖决刹住弄虚作假、欺上瞒下、追名逐利的歪风。涉及群众切身利益的决策,要充分听取群众意见。不准向下级提出不切实际的要求,不准强迫命令,严禁欺压百姓,切实解决作风粗暴、办事不公的问题。——摘自《中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定》 The crux of formalism is to seek the name of vanity, not pragmatic, and waste their wealth. Diligent administration for the people and doing real work hard are the fundamental requirements for close contacts with the masses. Party members and cadres must enhance their professionalism and sense of responsibility, uphold their scientific attitude and pragmatism, work diligently and conscientiously, and young cadres, in particular, must be tested in practice and devote their energies to serving the people diligently. We must work hard and do solid work, insist on telling the truth and truth-telling, and give up impetuosity and exaggeration. We must take the implementation as the key link in promoting various tasks and turn the decision-making and deployment of the central authorities into the actual actions of the party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of the people. We must cherish the human, financial and material resources and strive to solve the top priorities of the country and the people and oppose the “flashy” and “performance engineering” practices that are flashy and not realistic. Correctly understand and appraise the achievements of cadres, establish and improve the scientific assessment standards, and set forth the temporary unhealthy practices of fraud, deceit, hiding fame and fortune. Decision-making involving the vital interests of the masses, we must fully listen to the views of the masses. They are not allowed to impose unrealistic demands on subordinates, they are forbidden to force orders, and they are strictly forbidden to bully people and effectively solve the problems of crude style and unfair service. - Excerpted from “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of the Party’s Style”
(一)  你若是天上月  我便是天上云  你燃起我的青春  我庇护你的风光  (二)  海风历练着船儿  你腮边的晶莹欲言又止  给予船儿依靠与坦然  你是灯塔  你亦是赤子  (三)  我对天笑着说我拥有了梦想  却当踏入泥泞时哭的狼狈不堪  再醒来时  我被牵到我梦想前的泥潭  “你只管走就好了,妈妈在呢”  你怎会甘心我被命运欺负  扬起的嘴角明烛我信仰的璀璨  眼中的坎坷演化成心中的坦途 
劈开这混沌的世间,天地从此有了界限:  日月各行其道,星辰点缀其间;  鹰击长空,鱼游浅潭;  花木枯荣,阴晴冷暖。  她神游太虚,惊艳于此间的繁华。  旷野上回荡着她的绝唱,阳光下投射出她的孤影。  千年一叹:  这世间再好,也只有她看见!  抓一把黄土,倒一捧清水,捏一个念想,吹一口灵气。  她赋予他思想:  喜怒哀乐贪嗔痴,爱恨情仇怨憎会。  她又把他分为男女,令其自由婚配。  才子佳人兩相