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河曲芸芸女士: 如果你的母亲或外祖母有下面某一种疾病,作为子女的你,一定要提高警惕,及早预防: 肺癌 肺癌患者中至少有10%的人具有遗传性,而母亲或姐妹中若有人患有肺癌,遗传给子女的机会要比男性患肺癌遗传给子女的要高出2倍~3倍。 忠告 有规则地锻炼,戒烟、酒,吃低脂肪、富含纤维素的食物。30岁起每年都要进行胸部透视。 心脏病 如果你母亲在65岁之前发作过心脏病,那么将来你患心脏病的可能性就会增加。 忠告 保持苗条的身材,经常锻炼,戒烟,减少脂肪的食品的摄入。35岁之后经常测量血压、胆固醇。 超重 妇女的体重和母亲体重、体形的关系较之父亲更为紧密,肥胖者的体重遗传因素占25%~40%。 Ms. He Qu Yunyun: If your mother or grandmother has any of the following diseases, you as a child must be vigilant and prevent as soon as possible: At least 10% of lung cancer patients with lung cancer are hereditary, and if the mother or sister Some people have lung cancer, genetic opportunities for their children than men suffering from lung cancer genetic to their children to be 2 to 3 times higher. Advice regular exercise, quit smoking, alcohol, eat low-fat, fiber-rich foods. 30 years old every year from the chest perspective. Heart Disease If your mother had a heart attack before the age of 65, you are more likely to have a heart attack in the future. Advice to keep a slim body, regular exercise, smoking cessation, reduce the intake of fat foods. After 35 years of age often measure blood pressure, cholesterol. Overweight women’s weight and mother’s weight, body shape more closely than the father, obese weight genetic factors accounted for 25% to 40%.