Experimental Study on the Uniaxial Cyclic Deformation of 25CDV4.11 Steel

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisky
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The strain cyclic characteristics and ratcheting behavior of 25CDV4.11 steel were studied by the experiments under uniaxial cyclic loading with relatively high cyclic number and at room temperature. The cyclic hardening/softening feature of the material was first observed under the uniaxial strain cycling with various strain amplitudes. Then, the ratcheting behavior of the material was researched in detail, and the effects of stress amplitude and mean stress on the ratcheting were discussed under uniaxial asymmetrical stress cycling. Comparing with the experimental results of SS316L stainless steel, it is concluded that the material exhibits remarkable cyclic softening feature, and then a special ratcheting behavior is caused. Some conclusions useful to establish corresponding constitutive model are obtained. The strain cyclic characteristics and ratcheting behavior of 25CDV4.11 steel were studied by the experiments under uniaxial cyclic loading with relatively high cyclic number and at room temperature. The cyclic hardening / softening feature of the material was first observed under the uniaxial strain cycling with various strain amplitudes. Then, the ratcheting behavior of the material was researched in detail, and the effects of stress amplitude and mean stress on the ratcheting were discussed under uniaxial asymmetrical stress cycling. Comparing with the experimental results of SS316L stainless steel, it is custom that the material exhibits remarkable cyclic softening feature, and then a special ratcheting behavior is caused. Some conclusions useful to establish corresponding constitutive model are obtained.
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