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  I Introduction
  As negation plays a very important role in the communication between different languages, the study of negation has been regarded as an important research topic for linguists for a long time. Negation has captured the interest of grammarians and pragmaticians alike.
  II Literature Review
  As one of the most inconsistent and complex phenomenon in language, negation has been studied in disciplines such as linguistics, logic, psychology and philosophy since the times of Pluto. However, most of the researches are confined to one language. With the communications between China and western countries getting more and more frequent, the research of negation has now begun to be conducted from the cross-linguistic perspective, which will naturally include the contrastive study and the translation of negation.
  2.1 Studies on negation
  Negation has been approached from several perspectives for years. Some studies have concentrated on their linguistic features, and some on their pragmatic features. In the following content, the approaches will be introduced in two perspectives, grammatical approaches and pragmatic approaches.
  Many Chinese and English grammarians have probed into negation by focusing on their semantic features and syntactic forms. In the west, the first man who made an important contribution to the research of negation was Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, who distinguished contradictory negation and contrary negation in view of meaning. According to him, contradictory negation means that the two terms involved are contradictory to each other and there are no middle terms between them, such as white and not white, rich and not rich, while the contrary negation means that the two terms involved are contrary to each other and there are many middle terms between them, such as white and black, rich and poor (Fei Yafu, 1991:2-3).
  The study of negation conducted by Chinese grammarians is concentrated on the syntactic forms and semantic meanings of negation, especially on negative words. Jin Zhaozi 1(qtd. in Wen Zhenhui 2003:13) holds the view that the only way to distinguish between negative sentences and affirmative sentences in Chinese is the use of negative adverbs such as不、無、非、弗、莫and more. His idea that negative sentences should contain negative markers has been widely accepted. The scope of negation is the constituents behind the negative word, and sometimes, the parts before the negative word, while the focus of negation is the stress of negative meanings within the scope of negation.   2.2 Studies on translation of negation
  Though notions of negation are universal for English and Chinese, both English people and Chinese people have their unique ways to express negation. How to translate negation between English and Chinese has all been a controversial topic for a long time. Up to now, a few people have done research on the translation of negation.
  What principles to follow or what standards to adopt in translating are a heatedly discussed topic in the translators' community. Many scholars have advanced various theories concerning it. In the west, Cicero is unforgettable for his famous essay The Best Kind of Orator. He believes that content and style are more important than form in translation. He says: I do not translate them as an interpreter, but as an orator, I do not hold it necessary to render word for word, but I preserve the general style and force of the language. For I do not think I ought to count them out to the reader like coins, but to pay them by weight, as it is.(Tan Zaixi, 1991:23-24)
摘 要:随着新时代创新型人才的社会需求,高职院校在建设课程思政的过程中,有效的将创新创业教育充分贯穿并融合到学生的专业教育教学中,是当前高职院校提高学生综合素质、提升学校人才培养水平、增强学生就业创业能力的重要途径。  关键词:高职院校;创新创业;课程思政  青年是国家和民族的希望,创新是社会进步的灵魂,创业是推动经济社会发展、改善民生的重要途径。青年学生富有想象力和创造力,是创新创业的有生力量。
摘 要:随着计算机技术日益进步,校园信息化程度也变得越来越完善,给解决学生管理这一传统问题创造了更优越的条件和手段。如何通过信息技术对学生信息进行维护与管理,加强学校对学生诚信信息的管理,建立学生诚信管理信息系统将是对学生进行诚信教育和诚信监督不可或缺的议题。  关键字:信息化;学生诚信;管理信息系统  一、高职院校学生诚信管理信息系统的定义  随着科学技术的快速发展,学生管理信息化是高职院校提升
摘 要:创业胜任力是有效应对创业不确定性,提高大学生成功创业的关键因素。通过实证研究和问卷调查等方法,对设计艺术类专业大学生中的10名大学生创业者的在校成绩、创业素质、创业发展状况等数据、资料进行深入分析,发现人才培养方案对大学生创业胜任力有着重要影响,设计艺术类专业大学生创业胜任力受主观创业素质和客观资源配置的影响存在差异性,高校应该正确引导学生的创业行为、提升学生的创业技能,在培养方案中有针对
摘 要:美术是艺术的主要门类,它以提高了学生的文化素质和艺术欣赏能力,是教育者根据学生自身的成长去他们的培养艺术欣赏能力以及艺术创造能力,而在新课改的要求下,培养学生的创新能力和学生的发展已经成为美术课程着重点。美术教育在提高学生欣赏力过程中具有很大的帮助作用,熏陶学生的艺术情操,对学生有一个深远的影响,提高学生对身边一些事物欣赏的能力,从而来发现身边的美。  关键词:美术; 创新; 鼓励 ; 多
摘 要:随着新课改的发展,我国的中职教学也进入到了改个的关键时刻,在当前教学改个的大背景下,中职教学改个取得了一定的成效。中职教学中必修的课程是数学教学,也是一门基础的课程。但是因为数学课程具有一定的学习难度,再加上中职学生们的学习积极性偏弱、相关学科的基础差等多种问题,从而使教学难度增加。本文针对于相关的问题提出了相关的教学对策,更好的解决目前存在的这些问题。  关键词:中职数学;教学问题;解决
摘 要:本文主要简单介绍了推进高校美术馆数字化建设的重要作用,通过对现阶段高校美术馆数字化建设中存在的问题进行分析,来探讨加强高校美术馆数字化建设的有效措施,以响应时代号召,充分发挥现代计算机信息技术,满足我国高校美术教学需求,促进高校美术教育水平的提升,为学生提供更为丰富的美术知识和资源,从而突显高校美术馆的地位,实现高校美术教育的数字化发展。  关键词:高校;美术馆;数字化;建设;有效措施  
摘 要:公路运输具有方便、快捷的特性。特别是随着物流业的发展,大型仓储车辆的增加,高速公路运输任务日益繁忙,加上公路路面行车载荷和自然条件的作用下,路面会出现不同程度的病害,引起的高速公路路面病害问题日益凸显。同时,随着经济的发展,人们的生活日益变得富足,驾车出行成为不少家庭的必要的选择,保障好路面安全,加大对公路路面病害的治理就显得尤为重要。保护好路面质量,就是保障好行车安全,就是保护好每个家庭
摘 要:在国际着装规则(THE DRESS CODE)下,户外服泛指休闲装、运动装的总称,占据着服装品类的半壁江山。文章从文化角度将户外服进行分类,在此基础上根据不同户外活动情境给出合理的户外服着装建议。  关键词:户外服;分类;着装建议  “THE DRESS CODE”(下文简称“TDC”)表示“国际主流社会的着装惯例,即根据时间、地点、场合确定着装风格”①,简称为“国际着装规则”。它辐射于国
摘 要:本文通过梳理现有的文献,结合辽宁省大学生的实际,设计大学生学习倦怠量表,运用定点调查和系统随机抽样相结合的方式对不同层次的大学生群体展开调查和分析,通调查结果可以得知,辽宁省大学生在学习过程中存在着学习倦怠现象,通过对不同评估指标分析情况得知,行为不当维度统计得出的总分最高,成就感不高,情绪低落等因素都会对大学生的学习积极性产生一定的影响。此外,不同性别、年级和生源地的学生的学习倦怠存在显
摘 要:调查旅游管理专业学生就业现状时,相应人员从实际情况出发,结合学生自身就业心理,积极分析当前部分旅游管理专业学生就业难的主要原因,了解旅游管理专业学生就业的影响因素。加强就业指导,帮助学生克服不安、焦虑等心理,同时促进课程内容优化。  关键词:旅游管理;就业现状;对策  引言:  现代社会中,人们越来越重视旅游业,因此旅游管理专业学生要借助这个机会,夯实旅游服务基础,加强学习方法创新,严格要