学好理论 开创工作新局面

来源 :珠江水运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maclin
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党的十五大,是在我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设重要时期召的具有重大历史意义的大会,是承前启后,继往开来,保证全党坚持党的基本理论,坚定不移地沿着十一届三中全会以来正确路线胜利前进的历史性大会。江总书记在大会上所作的报告,是一个划时代的报告,是党的第三代领导集体向全世界作的政治宣言,是第三代领导集体的治国大纲,是鼓舞全党和全国人民奔向21世纪的动员大会。我们一定要认真学习深刻领会,全面落实好党的十五大精神,并以此为强大动力,努力开创桂林市交通工作的新局面。 The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a convention of great historical significance called for at the important period of our country's reform and opening up and socialist modernization. It is an important task for the entire party to adhere to the party's basic theory and unswervingly follow the 11th The historic assembly of triumphing the correct course since the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the National Assembly. General Secretary Jiang's report to the General Assembly is an epoch-making report and a political declaration to the world made by the third-generation leading group of the Party. It is the outline of running the country of the third-generation leading collective and is a signal encouraging the entire party and the people throughout the country. Mobilization meeting for the 21st century. We must conscientiously study and profoundly understand and fully implement the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, and use it as a powerful impetus to strive hard to create a new situation in the transportation work in Guilin.
交通部党组近日发出通知,要求交通系统认真学习十五大文件,把广大干部职工的思想统一到党的十五大上来,做好我们的工作。 通知指出:举世瞩目的党的第十五次全国代表大会,是
5月的西安,在一城花雨、满城诗意中迎来了中国第二届诗歌节和全国第23届中华诗词研讨会。大会于5月25日隆重开幕,两个盛大的文 May Xi'an, in a city rain, Mancheng poetic
在南京召开的全国交通系统创建文明行业大会12月11日才结束,13日上午,交通部珠江航务管理局局长赖定荣已在局会议室向全体职工进行传达了。 赖局长在全文传达黄镇东部长所作
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