Concentrations of gastric mucosal cytokines in children with food allergy and Helicobacter pylori in

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jihuoxiazai
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AIM: To measure the concentrations of chosen cytokines in the antrum mucosa depending on the kind of harmful pathogenic factors and to compare the concentrations with the values of controls without allergy and coexisting Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection.METHODS: The patients (97 children) were divided into three groups according to the data obtained from the case history, to the main cause of the disease and to the dominant clinical symptoms. Group Ⅰ: children with food allergy (Fa); group Ⅱ: children infected with H pylori; group Ⅲ (control group): children with functional disorders of the alimentary tract (without Fa and Hp infection). H pylori infection was determined by the presence of anti-Hp antibodies in serum (ELISA method) and urease test performed during endoscopic examination. Cytokine concentration in homogenates of gastric mucosa was detected by ELISA method.RESULTS: The IL-2 concentration in gastric mucosa bioptates was the highest in children with Hp infection (116.5±179.5 pg/mg of the protein) and Fa and Hp infection (98.1±101.0 pg/mg), while decreased in children with Fa (44.8±50.3 pg/mg) and controls (45.7±23.5 pg/mg). The lowest mean concentration of IFN-y was observed in children with Hp infection (18.9±16.4 pg/mg), with Fa and Hp infection (25.5±27.7 pg/mg), with Fa (40.6±39.7 pg/mg)and controls (49.9±33.4 pg/mg). The highest IL-4concentrations were observed in children with Hp infection (35.3±52.8 pg/mg) and in children with Fa and Hp infection (37.2±51.7 pg/mg), while lower IL-4concentration (23.6±35.8 pg/mg) was found in children with Fa compared to the controls (22.7±13.8 pg/mg).The analysis of IL-4 concentrations in children with Hp infection regarding the intensity of gastritis showed the highest value (62.2±61.2 pg/mg) in mild and moderate gastritis. The concentrations of IL-5 in the gastric mucosa of children with or without Fa did not differ significantly and were comparable to the control group. The highest mean IL-8 value was observed in Hp-infected children with or without Fa. The highest concentration of mucosal IL-10 was detected in children with Hp infection (79.3±41.2 pg/mg) and decreased in children with Fa and Hp infection (50.1±18.8 pg/mg)and in children with Fa (39.9±35.5 pg/mg). The intensity and activity of the inflammation did not affect IL-10concentrations in the gastric mucosa. In children with Hp infection, TNF-a concentration was the highest (45.9±49.3 pg/mg) and in children with Fa and Hp infection was low (45.3±32.6 pg/mg), whereas decreased in children with Fa (21.7±34.2 pg/mg) and in controls (31.6±14.5 pg/mg).CONCLUSION: The morphological changes of the gastric mucosa in children with Hp infection are comparable to those in children with Fa and coexisting Hpinfection. Cytokine concentration in children with Fa and Hp infection is significantly different in IFN-γ, IL-2,IL-8, and TNF-α.
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