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过去成都有一种“鬼饮食,在打二更时(相当于晚上10点钟)开始出现于街头巷尾,夜深了还在卖,有的一直要卖到第二天早上黎明前。这里说的“鬼”,指的是在夜深出现,指的是时间。 当年最有名的“鬼饮食”要算春熙路三益公门口那个卖椒盐粽子的,每夜打二更就出来了,不论酷暑严寒,总是摆在那个固定的地方——行人道边三益公戏院出来的门口上。担子上燃铁锅炉子,锅是扁平的,下燃木炭;有的炉上用铁丝网子,放上一块块的红豆椒盐糯米粽子,翻来复去地烤于木炭上;随时注意火侯,一不能焦,二不能糊,要烤成二面黄,使椒盐香味散发出来,让行人闻之馋涎欲滴。更重要而有特色的是椒盐烤味中,喷射出和在粽子里的腊肉颗子的香味,刀工尤好,切成肥瘦相连的小颗子,和在红豆、糯米中,烤到九分九厘炉火纯青时,那香味真如当时“售店”(公开卖鸦片烟的烟馆)门口挂的灯笼,上写:“闻香下马,知味停车”。这种“鬼饮食”的“鬼”字,还不能专指它出来的时间,它“鬼”在精细。粽子, In the past, there was a “ghost diet” in Chengdu that started appearing in the streets and lanes when it was hit two times (equivalent to 10 o’clock in the evening), was still sold at night, and some had been sold until dawn the next morning. Ghost, “refers to the late night appears, referring to the time when the most famous” ghost diet “to be counted at the entrance of San Yi Gong Chun Xi Road that sell salt and rice dumplings, hit two more night out, regardless of the heat Cold, always in that fixed place - the pedestrian side of Sanyi public theater out of the door. Burden on the iron boiler, the pot is flat, the next burning charcoal; some furnace with wire mesh, put A piece of red peppers and salt glutinous rice dumplings, turn over and roasted on charcoal; always pay attention to the fire Hou, one can not be coke, two can not paste, to be baked into two yellow, so that salt and pepper scent distributed to pedestrians greedy. More important and distinctive is the salt and pepper grilled flavor, spray out and in the dumpling of the bacon child’s fragrance, the knife is particularly good, cut into fat and connected to the small particles, and in red beans, glutinous rice, roasted to nine points nine When the fire was pure, it was as fragrant as the ”shop“ (openly selling opium smoke). Lanterns, read: ”smells dismount, Taste stop“ this ”ghost diet“ and ”ghost“ character, not specifically refers to the time it comes out, it ”ghost" in the fine dumplings,.
鲁凯人的婚嫁食俗在鲁凯人的饮食生活方式中,特别奇异的是他们的跑步婚礼.他们的结婚仪式是从跑步开始,以跑步结束.举行婚礼当天,新郎带着铁 Rukai people’s wedding food
是一首歌,咬一下你的耳朵,一溜小跑,便不见。然而一切寂静,连同我的赞颂。 It’s a song that bites into your ear and it’s gone. However all silence, together with m
世界上有三个国家讲究吃,而且吃得有味,吃出水平,吃出灿烂文化。这就是中国、法国和土耳其。 法国人爱喝也爱吃,爱上饭店,节假日到饭店吃饭的人更多。法国饭店以豪华著称,高