Study of Endometrial Receptivity during Implantation in Implantation Dysfunction Mouse

来源 :生殖与避孕(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lastkaixin
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Objective To establish the mice model of implantation dysfunction and to study the endometrial receptivity during implantation in implantation dysfunction mouse. Methods Sexually mature female virgin, Kunming mice were randomly assigned to the control group and the model group postcoitally. The model mice at 9 : 00 AM on d 4 of pregnancy(d 4) were injected subcutaneously with mifepristone. All animals were sacrificed at 9:00 PM on d 4 and their uterine horns were examined for the presence of implanted embryos. Histopathology of uterine endometrium was observed by light-microscope. The endometrial expressions of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) assessed by immunnohistochemical SP method. The endometrial expressions of ER mRNA and PR mRNA were assessed by semi-quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).Results Compared with control group, implantation rates and average embryo number significently decreased in model group, the development of endometrium was inhibited. In model group, absorbency and area rate of ER and PR in the gland and stroma were lower than those in control group (P
目的 调整眼外伤手术患者的心理状态,保证手术的安全、顺利进行和促进术后康复.方法 对79例患者入院、术前30 min、术后30 min、术后7 d四个阶段的心理状态,利用HAMLLTON焦虑
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