
来源 :矿物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbbeatrice
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华南广泛发育中生代花岗质岩石,其形成伴随了巨量金属钨锡钼铋和铜铅锌等的成矿作用,构成了一个世界罕见的大花岗岩省成岩成矿区。近年来,高精度同位素定年已基本明确该区成岩成矿作用的时空分布格局,侏罗纪花岗岩及相关的成矿作用高度集中,成矿作用集中在150~160 Ma之间,峰值为156 Ma,与成矿有关的花岗质岩石形成时代为152~165 Ma之间,峰值为159 Ma。随着近年来矿物原位微区测试技术的高速发展,研究者获得了更多的岩浆演化信息,并探讨岩浆演化过程中成矿元素迁移和富集的控制因素,揭示出与不同类型金属成矿作用有关的花岗质岩浆的物理化学条件存在明显差别。同时,学者们高度重视壳-幔相互作用与华南大花岗岩省成岩成矿作用的关联,提出幔源组分通过不同方式参与中生代花岗岩的形成。笔者在论述这些研究进展的基础上,提出华南中生代大花岗岩省成岩成矿作用需要进一步研究的一些科学问题。 The Mesozoic granitoids have been extensively developed in southern China. Their formation accompanied the massive mineralization of tungsten, tin, molybdenum and bismuth and copper, lead, zinc and other elements, forming a rare granite-rich diagenetic mineralization zone in the world. In recent years, the high-resolution isotopic dating has basically defined the temporal and spatial distribution of diagenesis and mineralization in the area. Jurassic granites and related mineralization are highly concentrated. The mineralization is concentrated between 150 and 160 Ma with a peak value of 156 Ma The formation age of granitic rocks related to metallogenesis is between 152 and 165 Ma with a peak value of 159 Ma. With the rapid development of mineral in-situ micro-testing technology in recent years, researchers have obtained more information about magmatic evolution and discussed the controlling factors of migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements during magmatic evolution. The physicochemical conditions of granitoids related to ore-bearing are obviously different. At the same time, scholars attach great importance to the association between the crust-mantle interaction and the diagenesis and mineralization in the large granitic granites in southern China, and propose that the mantle-derived components participate in the Mesozoic granite formation in different ways. On the basis of discussing the progress of these studies, the author puts forward some scientific problems that need to be further studied in the genesis of diagenesis and mineralization of Mesozoic granitoids in South China.
2012年开始构思这个系列,始于内心的一种孤寂感,所谓“孤寂感”并非一种忧郁与自闭,而是这个时代赋予我们的一种精神上的空虚,它的出现使得人与人之间在感情沟通的问题上产生了断裂,同时也创造出一种隔离,即人与人之间很难存在理解与信任,“失忆”便成为普遍现象。  我们失去的不仅仅是综上所述,更重要的是我们失去了爱,而这爱其实是最简单的爱,因为我们要活着,所以我们变得忙碌,于是我们变得急躁与不安,我们不会
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