
来源 :西安石油学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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以洪东洼槽为例 ,根据其钻井剖面、地震测线及测试资料 ,结合油气勘探现状 ,运用沉积学、层序地层学等多学科理论 ,以沉积、构造演化入手的油气地质动态综合分析法为思路 ,对洪东洼槽的基本成油条件进行深入分析 ,总结其油气勘探成功、失利的原因和油气分布规律 ,寻找有利勘探方向 .结果表明 :早白垩世阿尔善期湖盆的碎屑物质主要来自陡岸 ,在纵向上形成多套自生自储式含油组合 ;在平面上形成多期继承、叠加连片的非构造圈闭 .最后指出阿上段、阿中段是油气钻探的主要目的层段 ,努格达构造带下倾部位是非构造油气藏形成的有利部位和有利勘探方向 Taking Hongdong depression as an example, based on its drilling section, seismic survey line and testing data, combined with current status of oil and gas exploration, using multidisciplinary theory of sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy, Law as the train of thought, this paper analyzes the basic conditions of oil formation in Hongdong depression and summarizes the reasons for the success of oil and gas exploration, the cause of defeat and the law of oil and gas distribution, in order to find a favorable prospecting direction.The results show that during the Early Cretaceous, The debris mainly comes from the steep bank, forming multiple self-contained self-storage oil-bearing assemblages in the vertical direction, forming multi-period inherited and superimposed contiguous non-structural traps in the plane.Finally, it is pointed out that the upper part of A and the middle part of A are the main purpose of oil and gas drilling Layer, the Nuga tectonic belt down-dip is a favorable site for the formation of non-structural reservoirs and a favorable prospecting direction
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