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60年前,我人民解放军从国民党军队手中获得一批海军舰艇,组建了自己的海军。为了扼杀这支尚处于摇篮时期的人民海军,从1949年4月至1950年年初,国民党军队利用空中优势,出动飞机炸沉了多艘我军舰艇。如敌机于1949年4月炸沉了“楚嗣”、“惠安”、“吉安”、“太原”舰,1949年9月炸沉“安东”、“永绥”舰,并炸沉、炸伤停在造船厂的舰船28艘。在1949年11-12月间,在敌机的疯狂轰炸下,我军能够开得动的大中型舰艇仅剩3艘,即“长沙”舰、“美胜”舰和“万忠”舰。这3艘军舰曾被新中国的海军元老们誉为海军中的3颗种子。现已88岁高龄的原中国舰船研究院副院长马骏同志当年就战斗在“长沙”舰上。马老以他的亲身经历为我们描绘了一幕幕真实的历史画面。在极为艰难的情况下,我军指战员用智慧与敌机周旋,用顽强的毅力与敌机斗智斗勇,成功地保护了“长沙”舰。不久之后,“长沙”舰就以人民海军战舰的全新面貌活跃在捍卫新中国海疆的海军战斗序列之中。当年“长沙”舰上的见习航海长冯赞枢后来曾任护卫舰舰长和“远望”号远洋测量船船长,航海部门长林烈同志后曾任东海舰队航海业务长,马骏同志曾任“沈阳”号护卫舰舰长、“南昌”号护卫舰舰长和“抚顺”号驱逐舰舰长,苏军同志曾任海军第一支驱逐舰部队大队长兼舰长、北海舰队参谋长、东海舰队参谋长和北海舰队司令。他们为后人留下的珍贵种子在新中国海军的发展进程中不断生根、发芽、结果。 Sixty years ago, the People’s Liberation Army obtained a batch of naval vessels from the hands of the Kuomintang troops and formed its own navy. To strangulate this People’s Navy, still in its infancy, from April 1949 to the beginning of 1950, the Kuomintang troops took advantage of the air and dispatched planes to sank more than one of our naval vessels. If the enemy plane sank in April 1949, “Chu Si”, “Huian”, “Ji’an”, “Taiyuan” ship, Shen September 1949 “Anton”, “ ”Yong Sui “ ship, and sank Shen, wounded 28 ships docked in the shipyard. From November to December 1949, only three large and medium-sized vessels were able to move under the frenzied bombing of enemy planes, namely the ”Changsha“ ship, the ”Meisheng“ ship and the ” Wan Zhong “ship. These three warships have been hailed as the three seeds of the Navy by new naval veterans. At the age of 88, Comrade Ma Jun, former vice president of the China Academy of Shipbuilding, fought on the ”Changsha“ ship. With his personal experience, Ma La portrays a true historical scene for us. In extremely difficult circumstances, our military officers and soldiers, using intelligence and the enemy to deal with them, have successfully protected the ”Changsha“ ship with tenacious perseverance and wiith an enemy. Soon afterwards, the ”Changsha“ ship was active in the new look of the People’s Navy’s battleship in naval combat to defend the new China’s maritime border. Feng Zanshu, then captain of the ”Changsha“ ship, served as captain of the frigate and later captain of the ocean surveyor of ”Yuan Wang“ and the commander of the maritime department, Comrade Lin Lin, who served as director of the navigation division of the East China Sea Fleet and Comrade Ma Jun Former ”Shenyang“ captain of the frigate, ”Nanchang“ frigate captain and ”Fushun" destroyer captain, former commander of the Soviet Union served as the Navy’s first destroyer unit captain and captain, the North Sea Fleet Chief of Staff, East China Sea Fleet Chief of Staff and Commander of the North Sea Fleet. The precious seeds left by them for their descendants continue to take root, sprout and result in the development of the Chinese navy.
本刊于2010年第8(上)期中插刊登了日本九六式6.5mm轻机枪的图片后。很多读者问询该枪与九九式轻机枪在外形上如何分辨。  九九式轻机枪(下)是九六式轻机枪(上)的改进型,两者外形极其相似,可能是喇叭状的枪口消焰器使读者误以为本刊8(上)其的彩图是九九式轻机枪。的确,九六式轻机枪本来不带枪口消焰器,图中的枪口消焰器应该是后来加装的。两图对比可以看出,九九式轻机枪与九六式轻机枪在外形上的主要区别是
有些人,最初似为上天眷顾,一路顺风顺水,春风得意,然而,一旦遇到突如其来的打击,竟至惊慌失措,甚至自此一蹶不振,性情大变,心智错乱。如何才能避免让这些令人扼腕的转变发生在自己身上?  梁武帝太清二年(548),从东魏叛降西魏又再降南梁仅一年的侯景再次叛乱,一路轻袭,直取南梁都城建康,不到一月间便渡过长江天险,旋在梁武帝萧衍之侄萧正德的接应下,攻陷建康,围困台城。  危急存亡之际,各地勤王军队纷纷赶
近期,德国莱茵金属集团武器弹药公司发布了新型12.7×99 mm重机枪的相关信息,该枪是莱茵金属公司专为德国陆军开发的产品。  新型12.7mm重机枪的生产代号为RMG.50。该枪采用了包括纳米涂层在内的一些高新技术材料,其既可用于徒步作战,也可作为车载机枪或是安装在直升机舱门处使用。该枪作战距离为1500m,后坐力较小,采用弹链供弹,必要时也可以采用弹匣供弹。  目前莱茵金属公司正在为RMG.5
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女儿爱书,如我。每当月华如水,轻轻地泻在窗前,不知名的小虫儿在远处低鸣时,便是我给女儿精心读书的时光。有时是童话,有时是散文,有时是寓意深 Daughters love books, like