
来源 :影像诊断与介入放射学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uuuuurzm
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MR机图像出现伪影的故障有多种可能。例如,数据采集系统,图像重建系统,图像处理系统等。数据采集系统比较复杂,发生的故障也较多,当数据采集系统出现故障时,直接影响到图像的质量,甚至由于图像伪影而影响诊断工作。本文介绍我院一例Philips T5-2型MR机产生网纹伪影的原因及检修方法。 一、故障现象:图像出现网纹伪影,开始时网纹伪影只是偶尔出现,或一个序列出现一、二幅,重扫后网纹伪影一般都会消失,但一段时间后,所有扫描图像都有很强的网纹伪影,重扫后伪影依然出现。 二、故障分析:MR产生伪影的因素很多,根据伪影产生的原因,一般将伪影分为设备伪影,运动伪影和 There are many possibilities for the malfunction of the MR machine image artifacts. For example, data acquisition systems, image reconstruction systems, image processing systems, etc. The data acquisition system is more complex and more failures occur. When the data acquisition system fails, it directly affects the quality of the image and even affects the diagnosis due to image artifacts. This article introduces the cause and maintenance method of a mesh artifact produced by a Philips T5-2 MR machine in our hospital. First, the phenomenon of failure: the phenomenon of network artifacts appear, the beginning of the mesh artifacts only occasionally, or a sequence of one or two, after re-scanning mesh artifacts will generally disappear, but after a period of time, all scanned images There are strong mesh artifacts, artifacts still appear after re-sweep. Second, the failure analysis: MR artifacts are many factors, according to the cause of artifacts, the general is divided into artifact artifacts, motion artifacts and
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目的 :探讨对STZ糖尿病大鼠模型降糖作用的机制。方法 :用血糖仪检测了开郁清胃颗粒对STZ糖尿病大鼠血糖的影响 ;用放免分析法测定了中药治疗后胰岛素、胰高血糖素、皮质醇、
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西门子Somaton Plus全身CT的图像显示器是西门子公司从其它公司订做的,未向用户提供电路图,也没有零件可订。这种显示器一旦出故障,公司要求用户必须整台换掉,约需人民币11
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目的:研究中药补肾益智方拆方亚组的含药血清对AD细胞模型生工、分化等方面的影响,探讨该方药物的配伍规律.方法:按补肾益智方具有的补肾、益气养血、开窍等功效的不同,将其拆分为补肾花浓缩液对大鼠边疆灌胃1个月,对照组同时间灌生理盐水,制得各组含药血清.在含5﹪各组血清的培养液中,加入5uM Aβ25-35作用48h,在含与不含cAMP分化剂的情况下,分别观察NG108-15细胞(同神经母细胞瘤和神经胶
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