Inverter power supply and control system for high pulse energy laser shock processing

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In order to meet high pulse laser output, the laser shock power supply based on insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) inverter technology, constant current-constant voltage charger mode, high voltage pulse spark, and high pulse current discharger technology is designed. The master oscillator stage and two amplifier stages for xenon flash lamp spark and discharge circuits are designed in this power supply. The voltage of energy storage capacitors can be adjusted from 1 000 to 3 000 V. A variety of measures, such as FREE and Q-switch mode, trigger signal delay, water confining layer control, cooling water control are provided for laser shock processing technology optimization.
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Singlet oxygen (
针对采用全卷积神经网络去除地震数据随机噪声方法中遇到的计算量大、容易出现过拟合等问题,提出了一种基于LeNet-5改进的卷积神经网络对地震数据进行去噪的方法。除去输入层,该方法包含2个卷积层、2个池化层和1个全输出层。采用误差最小的实验试选法,首先在单层卷积网络中确定第1个卷积层和池化层的参数,基于第1层参数确定第2个卷积层和池化层的参数, 最后采用12000个大小为32×32的地震数据训练LeNet-5,采用1000个相同大小、相同信噪比的地震数据测试系统。Marousi2叠前和叠后地震数据去噪实验均表
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