Magicians Succeed Through Hard Efforts

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ONE day during the winter of 1992, the sound of gongs and drums of Beijing opera echoed in the Central Hall of the International Magic Exchange in Los Angeles, California. More than a hundred first class magicians from different countries gathered there to enjoy a performance by two Chinese magicians. The two were Qin Mingxiao and Yao Jinfen, a husband and wife team. Qin stood on the stage and smiled. He wore a Qing Dynasty sapphire blue robe with dragon patterns embroidered in gold thread. Holding a peach in his hand, he asked the audience, “Do you know what country ’Three Immortals Return to the Cave’ comes from or how long ago?” Various answers came from the ONE day during the winter of 1992, the sound of gongs and drums of Beijing opera echoed in the Central Hall of the International Magic Exchange in Los Angeles, California. More than a hundred first class magicians from different countries gathered there to enjoy a performance by Two Chinese magicians. The two were Qin Mingxiao and Yao Jinfen, a husband and wife team. Qin stood on the stage and smiled. He wore a Qing Dynasty sapphire blue robe with dragon patterns embroidered in gold thread. he asked the audience, “Do you know what country ’Three Immortals Return to the Cave’ comes from or how long ago? ” Various answers came from the
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