High-k gate dielectric GaAs MOS device with LaON as interlayer and NH_3-plasma surface pretreatment

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High-k gate dielectric Hf Ti ON Ga As metal-oxide–semiconductor(MOS) capacitors with La ON as interfacial passivation layer(IPL) and NH3- or N2-plasma surface pretreatment are fabricated, and their interfacial and electrical properties are investigated and compared with their counterparts that have neither La ON IPL nor surface treatment. It is found that good interface quality and excellent electrical properties can be achieved for a NH3-plasma pretreated Ga As MOS device with a stacked gate dielectric of Hf Ti ON/La ON. These improvements should be ascribed to the fact that the NH3-plasma can provide H atoms and NH radicals that can effectively remove defective Ga/As oxides. In addition, La ON IPL can further block oxygen atoms from being in-diffused, and Ga and As atoms from being out-diffused from the substrate to the high-k dielectric. This greatly suppresses the formation of Ga/As native oxides and gives rise to an excellent high-k/Ga As interface. High-k gate dielectric Hf Ti ON Ga As metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors with La ON as interfacial passivation layer (IPL) and NH3- or N2-plasma surface pretreatment are fabricated, and their interfacial and electrical properties are investigated and compared with their counterparts that have neither La ON IPL nor surface treatment. It is found that good interface quality and excellent electrical properties can be achieved for a NH3-plasma pretreated Ga As MOS device with a stacked gate dielectric of Hf Ti ON / La ON The improvements should be ascribed to the fact that the NH3-plasma can provide H atoms and NH radicals that can effectively remove defective Ga / As oxides. In addition, LaON IPL can further block oxygen atoms from being in-diffused, and Ga and As atoms from being out-diffused from the substrate to the high-k dielectric. This greatly suppresses the formation of Ga / As native oxides and gives rise to an excellent high-k / Ga As interface.
摘 要:高职院校社会主义核心价值体系教育机制的构建,需要建立在对教育目标、教育内容和教育方式三个方面深刻了解的基础上,只有这样才能切实提升高职院校的教育水平。本文将从上述三个方面对教育机制的构建进行深入的探索研究。  关键词:高职院校;社会主义核心价值体系;教育机制  当前阶段,在高职院校的教育中,通过社会主义核心价值体系教育机制的构建,能够有效提升教育教学活動的效果,实现学生综合素质的全面发展。
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摘 要:在中职德育课上,教师教学情绪的好坏,直接影响教学效果的优劣。教师的积极情绪有利于师生互教互学,学生主体地位得到体现,教学目标得以实现。  关键词:中职德育课;教师;积极情绪  情绪是个体对本身需要和客观事物之间关系的短暂而强烈的反应,是一种主观感受、生理反应、认知的互动,并表现出特定的行为。一般来说,当个体需要和客观事物相一致时,就会产生高兴、愉悦等积极情绪,提高人的积极性和活动能力;当个
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