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语言习得研究发现接触(Exposure)、注意(Notice)、认知(Cognize)是语言习得的三个前期步骤。以语言学家Krashen(克拉申)为代表的早期二语习得研究只强调接触,后来学者发现,注意和认知同样重要。语调与音乐有许多共性特征,在真实语言环境中,利用手势等辅助手段让学生注意到语言的这种艺术表达及其与意义和功能的联系,能让学生更好把握语调特征,并提升对语言形式美的认知。文章根据语调的本质属性、英语语调的关键特征、中国英语学习者的特点以及普遍认知规律,试图提出英语语调特征认知的全景视野,以帮助学生把握语言交际中重要的语调特征。这一全景视野主要有两方面的内涵:将语调特征放在交际的视野中认知;将具体语调特征的认知放在整体语调特征认知的框架中进行,以期综合探究语调的艺术特征及认知的有效途径。 Language acquisition studies have found that Exposure, Notice and Cognize are the three first steps in language acquisition. Early language acquisition represented by the linguist Krashen (Krashen) only emphasizes contact, and later scholars found that attention and cognition are equally important. There are many common characteristics of intonation and music. In real language environment, students can pay attention to the artistic expression of language and its connection with meaning and function by using the help of gestures and other means, which enable students to better grasp the intonational features and enhance the students’ Cognition of the Beauty of Language Form. Based on the essential attributes of intonation, the key features of English intonation, the characteristics of Chinese EFL learners and the general rules of cognition, the article attempts to propose a panoramic perspective of English intonation features to help students grasp the important intonation features of verbal communication. This panoramic view mainly has two connotations: putting the intonation features in the communicative field of vision; placing the cognition of specific intonation features in the framework of overall intonational feature cognition, in order to comprehensively explore the intonational artistic features and Effective ways of cognition.
科学理性的精华是理论理性。本文的中心旨趣即在于探讨科学的理论理性如何在古希腊孕育、形成和超前发展。本文分析了希腊科学理性的基本特征、主要手段 ,指出其精华是逻辑—
类胡萝卜素是植物中一类重要的色素群,经类胡萝卜素裂解双加氧酶(carotenoid cleavage dixoygenases, CCDs)或非酶作用合成的阿朴类胡萝卜素及其衍生物在植物中可以作为着色