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日本 NTT 公司试制成一种具有自动立体显示效果的15英寸 TFT-LCD,在观看时无需戴上特制的眼镜。该公司相信,将这项技术应用于商业和教育是很有希望的,目前正在加紧开发之中。这种自动立体显示器,是通过提供给观察者左右眼以分立的彩色图像来实现立体效果的。在观看时,观察者与显示屏的距离应 Japan NTT company trial made a 15-inch TFT-LCD with auto-stereoscopic display, watching without wearing special glasses. The company believes that applying this technology to business and education is promising and is under development now. This autostereoscopic display achieves the stereoscopic effect by providing the observer with separate color images for the left and right eyes. When watching, the distance between the viewer and the screen should be
果园施肥以秋施最好,一般早熟品种在果实采收后进行,中、晚熟品种在采收前进行,最好在十月份施完。 施肥量:一般1—3年生果树每株施有机肥25—50公斤;4—5年生果树每株施有
  More than 700 slat lakes with the area large than 1 km2 are widely distributed in the Qinhai-Tibet Plateau of China.Salt lakes located in the Qaidam Basin a
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