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双鸭山市岭东矿大井全体矿工热烈响应了党委提出的“杜绝矽尘危害,防止矽肺的发生,增强矿工身体健康,提高煤炭生产速度”的号召,通过大争大辩,大鸣大放,解放了思想,集中了群众智慧,在夏立亭掘进组首先采用综合性防尘措施,经过13天的日夜苦战和无数次的反复试验,终于成功,创国内先进水平。经测定矽尘浓度已达0.14毫克/立方公尺。国家规定指标为2毫克/立方公尺,比国家规定减少1.86毫克/立方公尺,降低93%, Shuangyashan Lingdong mine all miners responded enthusiastically to the party committee’s call for “ending the danger of silicosis, preventing the occurrence of silicosis, enhancing the health of miners and speeding up the production of coal”. Through big debate and big debate, liberation The thought, the wisdom of the masses, the Xia Liting drilling group first comprehensive dust prevention measures, after 13 days of hard work day and night and numerous trial and error, finally succeeded, creating the domestic advanced level. The measured silica concentration has reached 0.14 mg / m ^ 3. The state-specified index is 2 mg / m ^ 3, which is 1.86 mg / m ^ 3 less than the national regulation, a reduction of 93%
大同方言根据有无[ts tsh s]这三个声母而分为两类.三十年前,《大同方言志》对这一情况作了定量描写,并指出某些地方有[ts tsh s],某些地方没有.针对这一问题,许多前辈学者也
陈光健作品38乡比灵夕芝澈戮禁剽旧名召尘目甲 一生HI-We69Hfeqrtpe Mgn t erwipe-WIP $Asny i——尘的自匀月茁七日《狰VE tHW-I.-68PAsodHM回溢$ 恐木3 人雌景白儒’@汲_祛低
从中长期趋势看,中国已经进入降息周期,并且本轮金融危机历史罕见,债券会作为避险资金的选择受到更多资金的青睐,债市的中长期走势值得看好。 From the medium-and-long-ter