Unit 5

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  1.Shirley Temple is a former Hollywood child star, who began to enjoy great for the role she had played in films, when she was just 5 years old.
  A.performance B.fame
  C.devotion D.assistance
  2.I don’t want to work overtime, though someone may consider it a sign of the lack of to my work.Anyhow, I don’t want to work under pressure.
  A.evaluation B.addition
  C.devotion D.invitation
  3.By contributing regularly to some famous newspapers, I managed to get some income in addition to my salary.
  A.extra B.special
  C.effective D.classical
  4.These days, some students the Internet to such a degree as if they can’t survive without it.
  A.work on B.rely on
  C.take on D.put on
  5.We occasionally need humorous words to , awkward silence so that our conversation can go on in a pleasant atmosphere.
  A.break up B.bring up
  C.break down D.bring down
  6.Try to what needs to be done most urgently every morning, which may take only about a minute, and you’ll see how much more efficient you have become.
  A.sort out B.take out
  C.set out D.turn out
  7.The elderly, who are generally to the sudden change of weather, need special care in winter.
  A.sensitive B.sensible
  C.relieved D.positive
  8.About ten days later, I received Tom’s apology a letter.
  A.in the face of B.in the shape of
  C.in the absence of D.in the form of
  9. a series of measures aimed at controlling pollution, the province plans to use foreign experts to lead a campaign against air pollution.
  A.In return for B.In addition to
  C.In comparison with D.In favor of
  10.On our way to Singapore, we decided to have a stop in Hong Kong for some shopping.
  A.gradual B.brief
  C.confident D.constant
  11.In 1959, the first Special English program, as an experiment, was on VOA to communicate by radio in simple English with people whose native language is not English.
  A.received B.downloaded
  C.appreciated D.broadcast
  12.While most popular styles lend themselves to the song form, music has been noted for its development of highly long-lasting forms of instrumental music.
  A.practical B.classical
  C.informal D.personal
  13.In the early years when country music was played, which of the following musical , was used?
  A.instruments B.performers
  C.dictionaries D.volunteers   14.As Twain’s life and career progressed, he became increasingly pessimistic, losing much of the tone in his works.
  A.humorous B.dangerous
  C.anxious D.delicious
  15.Shopkeepers may have to spend hours in dealing with problems, such as shoplifters, who always take away things from the shop without paying for them.
  A.regular B.valuable
  C.extra D.certain
  16.For many years, people have electric cars.However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.
  A.heard of B.dreamed of
  C.thought of D.complained of
  17.Parents much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.
  A.attach B.pay
  C.link D.apply
  18.—How about your journey to Mount Emei?
  —Everything was wonderful except that our car twice on the way.
  A.slowed down B.broke down
  C.got down D.put down
  19.After many years of practice, the famous painter his own special painting style.
  A.formed B.found
  C.used D.chose
  20.Now that you’re a grown-up, it’s high time that you your own living.
  A.won B.attained
  C.earned D.got
  1.When she woke up, she told me
  the previous night.(dream)
  2. the story, she asked me to tell her a more thrilling one.(pretend)
  3.To be honest, never have I seen
  , than this one.(practical)
  4.As teenagers, we have many responsibilities
  . We must do our best to undertake them.(attach)
  5.Feeling upset, I realized that I must quit the group .(before)
  6.To be honest, it’s not proper
  becoming rich and famous.(attach)
  7.He told me some stories, most of them
  , what he had read from books and magazines.(base)
  8.His story is interesting enough
  to the last minute.(hold)
  9.The show our first hits was in Wuhan.(play)
  10.After a while, they two appeared out of the water, with Tom in his arms.(hold)
  11. Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour.(long)
  12.This opera house is one of the best in the country, because performances are only given during seven weeks in the summer.(seem)
  13.Finally they stopped their concerts in order to live quieter lives, although their songs
  , ever.(remain)
一、选择题  1. 长期以来,儒学是一种士大夫之学。明代思想家李贽则提出要正视“世间惟下下人最多”的现实,强调“我为下下人说,不为上上人说”。这说明李贽( )  A. 反对儒家的正统思想  B. 倡导只为下下人说  C. 批判地发展传统儒学  D. 抨击君主专制制度  2. 有位古代思想家认为:通过读书等外在手段来明理自然是好,但“不识一个字,亦须还我堂堂地做个人”,重要的是先确立仁义这一根本。这
一、选择题  1. 某学者评价启蒙运动说:“‘进步’实际上已经成为哲学家的一种意识形态,他们坚信自然科学将会让人类更有力地支配整个世界,而人类理性则引领每个人走向自由,并建立起一个繁荣、公正、平等的社会。”引文所想表达的深层含义是( )  A. 理性思考引领社会进步  B. 哲学意识支配世界繁荣  C. 近代科学追求王权公平  D. 启蒙运动倡导阶级平等  2. 下列关于李贽思想与文艺复兴时期人文
一、选择题  1. “清明前,种花棉,清明后,种毛豆”、“清明毛峰,谷雨茶”,下列关于这些谚语的说法正确的是( )  ①清明、谷雨是二十四节气里的两个节气 ②二十四节气是北宋沈括制订的 ③这些说法没有任何科学性可言 ④这是我国古代农民对生产经验的总结  A. ①②④ B. ②③  C. ①④ D. ②③④  2. 中国古代由个人撰写的四大农书中,其中三部出自山东,即西汉末年汜胜之(今山东曹县人)的
一、选择题  1. 孙中山说:“凡本国人及外国人之企业,或有独占的性质,或规模过大为私人之力所不能办者,如银行、铁道、航路之属,由国家经营管理之,使私有资本制度不能操纵国民之生计。”这反映了孙中山( )  A. 重视经济权益,强调民族独立  B. 扩张国营经济,发展民族产业  C. 主张节制资本,促进社会公平  D. 强调国家垄断,反对自由竞争  2. 辛亥革命“不过是宗法式的统一国家及奴才制的满
一、选择题  1. 下图是新中国成立后的五个时期的科技成果曲线图,对此解读正确的是( )  1975][(年)][①][②][③][④][⑤]  A. “一五”计划促进了①时期的科技发展  B. “两弹一星”成果是在②时期取得的  C. “文革”使④时期内没有取得任何科技成就  D. 杂交水稻是在⑤时期取得的重大成果  2. 在中华人民共和国国庆日,法国《费加罗报》曾发表文章称,“电视台本周向我们
一、选择题  1. “夫不可变者,传统也,非法制也;圣道也,非机械也;心术也,非工艺也。”与上述材料相符合的观点是( )  A. 西学东渐 B. 东学西传  C. 中体西用 D. 西体中用  2. 陈旭麓在《近代中国社会的新陈代谢》中说:“那时候,天下滔滔,多是泥古而顽梗之人……如果没有‘中体’作为前提,‘西用’无所依托,他在中国是进不了门,落不了户的。”对这段话解读正确的是( )  A. 认为科
一、选择题  1. 下图为康德拉捷夫世界经济增长与衰退的波动周期表,图中周期⑤凸显了“美国世纪”的到来,其标志是( )  [康德拉捷夫周期表][① ② ③ ④⑤][1710年][20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90][10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90][10 20 30 40 50][1800][1900]  A. “美元帝国”形成 B. 马歇尔计划出台  C. 联合
1. 由黑龙江省人民政府主办的2013黑龙江绿色食品产业博览会于2013年9月23日至27日在哈尔滨国际会展体育中心举行。2012年,黑龙江省绿色食品总产值1330亿元,占全国的1/6;实物总量首次突破3000万吨,占全国的1/5。绿色商品之所以热销,是因为( )  A. 其使用价值能够适应消费者的需求  B. 其凝结了较多的体力和脑力劳动  C. 其具有较高的价值  D. 其交换的范围越来越广 
1.全面深化改革,必须高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,坚定信心,凝聚共识,统筹谋划,协同推进,坚持社会主义市场经济改革方向。出发点和落脚点是( )  A.促进社会公平正义、增进人民福祉  B.解放和发展生产力,实现共同富裕  C.实现中国梦  D.实现全面建成小康社会  2.十八届三中全会指出,全面深化改革,坚持发展仍
一、基础知识(15分,每小题3分)  1. 下列词语中加点字的读音有误的一项是( )  A. 癸丑(guǐ) 会稽(kuài) 感慨(kǎi) 放浪形骸(hái)  B. 愀然(qiǎo) 舳舻(zhóu) 窈窕(yǎo) 游目骋怀(chěng)  C. 旌旗(jīng) 横槊 (shuò) 酾酒(shī) 冯虚御风(píng )  D. 庐冢(zhǒng) 修禊 (xì) 枕藉 (jiè) 前仆