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我们中华民族历来有勤俭节约的优良传统。行动上不说,光是提倡节约、反对浪费的格言、民谚,就数不胜数。说每个人都知道一些绝不为过,怕是连许多不识字的老人都能道出一二来呢!像什么“丰年要当歉年过,有粮常想无粮时”,什么“新三年,旧三年,缝缝补补又三年”,等等,几乎无人不知,无人不晓。有点儿文化的,甚至还能诌出点儿什么“一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰”,“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”的诗文来——虽然有时被人讥讽为“酸文假醋”,但谁也不能不说这是对勤俭节约的最佳表述。在这方面,老年人最为身体力行,因为现今六七十岁以上的老年人都是从旧社会过来的,并且都经历过上世纪60年代的自然灾害,对饥饿、贫穷的恐怖至今记忆犹新,所以他们绝不肯浪费东西。这自然是好的。但是,我觉得,在提倡勤俭节约的同时,也不应该忘记提高生活质量,不应该忘记健康第一。这既是人性化的体现,也是时代发展的必然。 The Chinese nation has always had the fine tradition of thrift and economy. Do not say in action, just promote the economy, against the waste of motto, Minyan, there are countless. To say that everyone knows that some can not be overemphasized. It is feared that even many elderly people who are illiterate can come out with one or two! Like what “the harvest year to apologize, there is food often want to have no food”, what “the new three years, the old three years, sewing three years,” and so on, almost no one I do not know, nobody knows. A bit of culture, even a little out of what “a porridge a meal, when thinking is not easy to come; half a half-thread, constant read material difficult”, “Who knows dishes, grain are hard” poem Wen Lai - Although sometimes sarcastic as “sour fake vinegar”, but no one can say that this is the best statement of thrift. In this regard, the elderly are the most effective because the elderly people aged 60-70 now come from the old society and have experienced the natural disasters of the 1960s. The horror of hunger and poverty remains fresh in their memory. So they will never waste anything. This is naturally good. However, I think we should not forget about improving the quality of life while promoting thrift, and we should not forget about health first. This is both a humane embodiment and an inevitable development of the times.
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