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施乐公司宣布,联邦法庭拒绝阻止施乐销售可用于HP激光打印机的盒装调色剂。 HP公司曾经要求法庭禁止施乐销售可用于HP激光打印机的盒装调色剂,并将市场上已销售的产品收回,理由是这种包装的调色剂有可能用户误认为施乐的这种产品已得到了HP公司的认证和授权。同时HP公司也在销售自己的盒装调色剂。但根据施乐进行的市场调查数据,法庭认为没有证据表明施乐的产品在包装设计上侵犯了HP公司的商标,所以施乐的产品没有对消费者进行误导。相反在这一产品市场上,消费者有了更广泛的选择。在打印机市场中,HP公司一直占据的主导地位。而施乐的市场份额目前虽然不大,但与HP的竞争已然十分激烈。据施乐的发言人称,目前两家公司之间存在着两 Xerox Corporation announced that the federal court has refused to block Xerox from selling boxed toners that are available for HP laser printers. HP Corp. has asked the court to bar Xerox from selling boxed toner for HP laser printers and to take back commercially available products because the packaged toner may have been mistaken for Xerox’s product Has been HP’s certification and authorization. At the same time, HP is also selling its own boxed toner. However, according to market research data conducted by Xerox, the court found no evidence that Xerox’s product infringes HP’s trademark in packaging design and that Xerox’s products therefore did not mislead the consumer. On the contrary in this product market, consumers have a wider choice. In the printer market, HP has always dominated. While Xerox’s market share is currently small, but the competition with HP already very fierce. According to a spokesman for Xerox, there are currently two companies between the two companies
7月21日,记者有幸见到IBM移动业务全球产品市场项目主管Leo Suarez先生。据称,他所领导的Team今年已经是第四次来到中国了。是什么吸引了他们?当然是中国潜力巨大的笔记本市
从海南自然发病死亡的瓜实蝇上分离获得2株高毒力的真菌BC-D1和BC-212,经形态学和ITS序列鉴定结果表明,BC-D1为黄曲霉Aspergillus flavus,BC-212为溜曲霉Aspergillus tamarii
Qinghai Salt Lake Haina Chemical Company Ltd (Haina) announced on April 13th tostart its RMB5 billion polyvinyl chloride (PVC) integration project in Ganhe Ind
7月20日,AMD公司暂时中止了与IBM公司签订的于本季度开始的委托IBM代工生产K6 CPU的合同。这项决定的部分原因在于IBM公司的工厂生产成本较高,AMD公司迫于市场的价格压力而不
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根据台湾一个名为Market Intelligence Center(MIC)机构的调查今年首季我国台湾地区四大主要IT产品(占整个IT市场77%)笔记本PC、台 According to a survey conducted by a T