Brief Talk About Australia Dating and Marriage Culture

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  【Abstract】This paper seeing big things through small ones probes into why the dating show If You Are The One is so popular in Australia, take which as a standard to talk about Australian dating and marriage culture, and then naturally transitioning to the point that Australia as a country of immigrants is tolerant to various cultures. Mass media has great influence on individual idea of love and marriage of Chinese people with which we are supposed to carefully confront .
  【Key words】Australia; culture; “If You Are The One”; marriage; media
  1. Introduction
  This paper seeing big things through small ones probes into why the dating show If You Are The One is so popular in Australia, take which as a standard to talk about Australia dating and marriage culture, and then naturally transitioning to the point that Australia as a country of immigrants is tolerant to various cultures. The author of this paper deems that there are differences between Australia and China on dating and marriage culture, And mass media environment has great influence on individual idea of love and marriage.
  2. Australian’s Tolerant to Various Cultures
  Australia considers fording strategic partners in the Asia-Pacific region, creating favorable external environment, guaranteeing its national security and improving its international status. Although it will never become a complete Asian country, Australia will be inevitably Asianized. Though the engagement will face up to many obstacles, it is an irreversible general trend under the background of the speedy transferring of the focus of the world power from Europe to Asia.
  3. Australia Dating and Marriage Culture
  Australians go about finding that special someone in their own way, and attribute their style to the rich mix of ancient tribal influences and the traditions of European settlers. Couples make their own choices, and parents’ wishes are often ignored. Chinese dating customs are very different. There is far more restraint shown by the couple. The families’ wishes are at the heart of any decisions that are made, and courtship is a much more delicate process.
  The official registration of marriage is the responsibility of each state and territory. A Notice of Intended Marriage is required to be lodged with the chosen celebrant. According to a 2008 Relationships Australia survey love, companionship and signifying a lifelong commitment were the top reasons for marriage. While the lifelong commitment has become the lowest reason in Chinese marriage with the development of society.   4. The Influences of Mass Media
  Modern society is in the process of Weber’s sense of disenchantment ration, although this is the inevitable result of social development. You are the one, as a large influential marriage programs, it bases on the life and gets men and women of all walks of life together, presents to ten million viewers their marriage live through TV ,Internet and other media. This not only help us to better understand idea of love and marriage of today’s men and women,the impact of the media environment on the marriage concept, but also to analysis from the audience’s point of departure.
  5. Conclusion
  Different from Australian people date and get married for love, nowadays in China people date and get married for money and beautiful appearances. Moreover, once people in Australia get married, they may be more faithful to their spouse than Chinese. With the development of society, girls would rather hide in the BMW cars crying than ride a bicycle smiling, which has aroused great attention among people. So to change media social environment should deepen the reform of the media system, which still demand for speeding up the construction of media legal system and increasing media supervision. Thereby we can be effectively curbed the media moral anomie and promote healthy and orderly development and progress of China’s media industry.
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